Sunday, December 20, 2009

Royal Blue Shirt And Black Tie

The thing about football, the important thing about football, is That It is Not just about football

Following the chicken that has been mounted with the laws to the letter and the invasion of our rights essential to preserve the status of certain characters, I discovered that a letter has been created to bring our politicians to see if they open their eyes or stick the thud.

The "Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge" has been created and published through
Barcelona Culture Forum and is available in Castilian and
English (the translation into Catalan of much she will find here

. Admittedly, like any text that really raises serious real solutions is dense, but if we give a chance we can find gems like this: " Despite this, industry entertainment, most providers of communications services and facilities to continue to base their profits and control authority content, tools and distribution channels while maintaining an economy of scarcity. And all this in violation of the rights on citizens as to education, access to information, culture, science and technology, freedom of expression, the inviolability of communications and privacy. The protection of private interests should not be allowed to hold back the development of society in general, regardless of the public interest. " Although I have to admit that what made me tremble, was the following statement ... has made me - how would one of my idols of youth - the chicken skin: " The digital age conlleva implicit promise of a historic world more just and beneficial for everyone. This is the aim of the Proposals desarrolladas BELOW.

'Letter from the Barcelona Cultural Forum for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge'
Human Rights and women and artists in the digital age

We came from a broad coalition more than 20 countries, hundreds of thousands of citizens, users, consumers, organizations, artists, hackers, members of the free culture movement, economists, lawyers, teachers, students, researchers, scientific Activist Treball aturades, Entrepreneur, creators ... Convidem to the Citizenship a fer tota aquesta seva Charter difondre-la-la i pose in practice.
governsID Convidem a tots els, multinacionals i institucions to escort la urgentment, i applied entender la-la. We

, a broad coalition of citizens, users, consumers, organizations, artists, hackers, members of the movement for free culture, economists, lawyers, teachers, students, researchers, scientists, activists, workers, unemployed, entrepreneurs, creators from over 20 countries
invite all citizens to endorse this Charter, it discloses since implemented.

invite all governments, multinational corporations and institutions to support, understand and implement urgently the contents of this letter

We, a broad coalition from over 20 Countries, of Hundreds of Thousands of Citizens, users, Consumers, Organizations, artists, hackers, members of the Free Culture Movement, Economists, lawyers, teachers, students, Researchers, scientists, Activists, Workers, Unemployed, entrepreneurs,

Creators ... We invite all to make this Citizens Charter theirs, share it and put it Into practice. We invite all

governments, Multinationals and Institutions urgently to listen to it, UNDERSTAND it and it enforce.

Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge

Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge


Charter and Innovation, the Creativitat i l'Accés to Coneixement

Monday, December 14, 2009

Shilpa Shetty Pitcher


During my stay in the Department of Housing and Social Affairs of the Basque Government was common for construction companies to send us small gifts. To prevent something worse, charges of EB gave instructions to our / os secretaries not to provide you our home addresses to anyone. I think that discouraged some companies sending lavish gifts but other offices were referring to many present.

Already the first year of our government decided to venture to distribute gifts to the staff of the department through a lottery process for which we used the software application to award VPOs. The striking thing about it received a couple of hams were very good looking. At first we had to bone and envelopes packaged in vacuum and used in small celebrations of the department. Later, the tasty hams were carried directly to the Food Center, an organization that distributes different products between families in need.

As the gifts were often stored in my office, which was the largest space in the department, one of those years there was the carving knife that came with a pig's legs and after a while I decided to take him home. You can not imagine the comments I had to endure: to see what it brings, we prefer the ham, you work too and do not bring anything ... Total, finally I had to compensate my family for the lack of attention to the stress I was carrying government and began to buy a ham every year in the days before Christmas. And the photo is what we have begun to taste this year. He's hot.

Incidentally, speaking of gifts, some learners colleagues and I got to return some gifts such as tickets for the opera and the like, leading to the surprise of the "generous" companies had been sent to us. The reds are like that.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

How Does Your Period Affect Running

The office does not close

seems mobilization to prevent the closure of the Youth Information Office has been successful and, although with a reduced budget, will remain open in 2010. Congratulations to Argizai, a group that managed the office and on his blog has collected criterion change City.

Jon And Kate Plus 8 Hit The Road Dvd

These PSE us increasingly surprised can

We'll see. One thing is that the PSE Euskadi executive has decided to pass the budgets of the institutions governed by the PNV (which already has conchabeo offense this, of course) but from there to not present a single amendment (see the last line of the article), as did the PSE Galdakao, but a chasm. This is a very serious neglect, speaking of the most important municipal decisions each year, the / as councilors that party should be banned / as. For lazy / as incompetent. The worst thing is that they continue to vote ...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Huntik Season 2 When Is It Coming Out

Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge Revolution

say anything before I write this text while listening to "Revolution" Amaral with which I have blood on fire.
We're tired, right? I'm not the only one who says, the vast majority of the English blogosphere is outraged with what they want to brew. An unconstitutional law that upholds a commitment to someone who is not a lawyer or a judge will decide to close websites that comes out of the hilt.

Minister ignorance, Gonzalez Sinde, by making us stupid it sounds, because not only has the snout to defend the law but also states that "we should not fear anything." Very lady, "the only thing I'm affraid of is fear itself", we go that little fear, anger much. What I sincerely ask myself is, who is boss here? Because the day after the manifestation of the SGAE go and find that we try to put the folded in a law that has nothing to do and try to suppress our freedoms.
But, see, pitcher souls, ye do you think we are idiots? Where were you when
graves the servers directly fighting for a flat fee? And when they collapsed their PBXs with mobile strike fallen?
We're big, we're unstoppable and you can not with us, however much they try it.

More than two thousand years of civilization have been mackerel, do not you will get it now.

anyone signs up to go to the Ministry of Culture to screw it brown? There needs to be reminded that we are scum in a democracy, that is, the government of the People by the People and for the people, not for bloodsuckers who did something relatively useful for years and want living at it all his life. Banda Sonora

complete while writing this post:
Revolution -> Amaral
Overture 1812 -> Tchaikovsky (yes, V for Vendetta)
Through the fire and the flames -> Dragonforce

Natrual Birth With Cardiomyopathy

At stake in Copenhagen is much

As world leaders arrive at Copenhagen Airport are to find posters photo-like where, and aged, ask forgiveness for not having done enough to stop catastrophic climate change. Also I leave Greenpeace targets posed for this summit. They balanced combines the efforts of developed countries to reduce their emissions with the necessary assistance to countries developing so you do not increase disproportionately. Leonardo Boff has written on his part this weekly column encouraging us to protect Mother Earth (how I hate this expression so fondly used Boff) pressuring governments to make substantial commitments in Copenhagen. It reminds us that we have received from our ancestors this beautiful planet that we have borrowed from future generations.

That's it. Pressures, pray, dream, ... but we can not let this last opportunity and if not with us / as. More than ever, let us be part of the species human and temporary users of the Earth and secure the future of both.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Hair Colouring Koleston Chart


by mistake had interpreted Urreta was Topagune of what is closed. It is actually the Youth Information Office, located on the premises. However, I still have a serious cause for indignation and correct the entry but not delete. (Changes in yellow)

Galdakao City Council is making mischief. With the excuse of the crisis without any foundation, service charges, the Youth Information Office Urreta , who was making a fundamental role as a reference to youth l Galdakao .

Do not they realize that in a time like this, in which many young men and women have lost their jobs is more important than ever to maintain and even enhance, support services Youth as the Youth Information Office ? Is it so difficult to understand is this?

As Argizai, the leisure group that was managed, has own blog I refer to it for you to read letter they sent to the media and the people of Galdakao and the review has published the Courier, and mostréis them your support need.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Red Spots Around Urethras

Urreta manifesto in defense of fundamental rights on the Internet

Given the inclusion in the Draft Law on Sustainable economy of legislative changes affecting the free exercise of freedom of expression, information and the right of access to culture via the Internet, journalists, bloggers, users, professionals and Internet developers express our firm opposition to project, and declare that:

  1. Copyright can not be above the fundamental rights of citizens, as the right to privacy, security, presumption of innocence, effective judicial protection and freedom of expression.
  2. The suspension of fundamental rights is and must remain the exclusive competence of the judiciary. Not a close without trial. This bill, contrary to the provisions of Article 20.5 of the Constitution , placed in the hands of a non-judicial body, an agency Ministry of Culture, the power to prevent English citizens access to any website.
  3. The new legislation will create legal uncertainty around the English technology sector, damaging one of the few areas of development and future of our economy, hindering the creation of enterprises by introducing barriers to competition and slowing its internationally.
  4. The new proposed legislation threatens to hinder new creators and cultural creation. With The Internet and advances in technology have democratized the creation and publication of contents of any kind, no longer come predominantly from the traditional cultural industries, but from many different sources.
  5. The authors, like all workers are entitled to live out of their creative ideas, business models and activities associated with their creations. Trying to hold legislative changes to an outdated industry that can adapt to this new environment is neither fair nor realistic. If your business model is based on the control of the copies of the works and the Internet is not possible without violating fundamental rights, should find another model.
  6. believe that cultural industries need to survive modern alternatives, effective, credible and affordable and to adapt to new social practices, rather than limitations so disproportionate as to be ineffective in that they are pursuing.
  7. Internet should function freely and without political interference sponsored by groups that seek to perpetuate outdated business models and make it impossible for human knowledge remains free.
  8. We urge the Government to guarantee by law the Net Neutrality , in Spain before any pressure that may occur as a framework for developing a sustainable economy for the future.
  9. propose a real reform of intellectual property rights oriented end: return to the society of knowledge, promote the public domain and limit abuses of management entities.
  10. In a democracy, laws and amendments should be adopted after due debate and consultation with all parties involved. It is unacceptable that legislative changes are made that affect fundamental rights in a non-organic law and deals with other matters.

This manifesto, drawn up jointly by several authors, is all and none. It has been published in many web sites. If you agree and want to join it, spread it over the Internet.

Also available in English , Catalan, Galician , Asturias , and Brazilian Portuguese.

Ontario License Stickers Colour

Yes, I know, lately I am only writing posts assertive, but esque to the politicians of this country $ tambourine they are splitting the pot in a way that should be considered criminal.

Therefore, from here to join the initiative promoted by
in defense of our rights, which is already much good joke.

Copyright can not be above the fundamental rights of citizens
, including the right to privacy, security, presumption of innocence, judicial protection effective and freedom of expression.

2 .- The suspension of fundamental rights is and should remain the exclusive
judiciary. Not a close without trial. This blueprint, contrary to the provisions of Article 20.5 of the Constitution, put in the hands of a non-judicial body under the Ministry of Culture, the power to prevent English citizens access to any website. 3 .-
The new legislation will create legal uncertainty around the English technology sector , damaging one of the few areas of development and future of our economy, hindering the creation of enterprises by introducing barriers to competition and slowing its international. 4 .-

The new proposed legislation threatens new creators and hinder cultural development . With The Internet and new technologies have democratized the creation and release of contents of any kind, no longer come predominantly from the traditional cultural industries, but from many different sources. 5 .-
like all workers are entitled to live out of their creative ideas, business models and activities associated with their creations . Trying to hold legislative changes to an outdated industry that can adapt to this new environment is neither fair nor realistic. If your business model is based on the control of the copies of the works and Internet is not possible without violating fundamental rights, they should find another model.

6 .- We believe that cultural industries need to survive modern alternatives, effective, credible and affordable and to adapt to new social practices, rather than limitations so disproportionate as to be ineffective in that they are pursuing. 7 .-

Internet should function freely and without political interference sponsored by groups that seek to perpetuate outdated business models and make it impossible for human knowledge remains free.
8 .- We demand that the law guarantees the neutrality of the Net in Spain
, before any pressure that may occur as a framework for developing a sustainable economy for the future. 9 .-
propose a real reform of intellectual property rights-oriented
end: return to the society of knowledge, promote the public domain and limit abuses of management entities.
10 .- In a democracy, laws and their amendments must be adopted after due debate and having consulted all stakeholders
. It is unacceptable that legislative changes are made that affect fundamental rights in a non-organic law and deals with other matters.
is also available in English
Catalan and Galician
(thanks for the links to Javier Llorente

This show was created in response to the protest yesterday, December 1, 2009, made several English authors and members of the SGAE signed until 2500 "authors" (links to news: elPeriodico , bbc , ElPais ). Personally tell this ... "People" (as hard to be right sometimes) I have ever downloaded anything of his, who do not know anyone who will listen, that are dedicated to do something of quality and do not try to live the story.
As read a comment I read yesterday in a forum "if I tell my boss to pay me for what I did last month, gives me two ostia.
me is that heats the blood. Remember, remember,
the 5th of November the gunpowder

treason and plot I know of no

reason why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Shuffleboard And Arm Pain

fundamental rights on the Internet

From here join the initiative last November 26 to 12 newspapers promoted by Catalan (El Periódico, La Vanguardia, El Punt, Avui, Segre, Diari de Tarragona, La Mañana, Diari de Girona, Regió 7, The Nou 9, Diari Diari de Sabadell and Terrassa). then the full text of editorial. After nearly three years of slow deliberation and continuous tactical skirmishes that have damaged the cohesion and eroded its prestige, the Constitutional Court may be about to deliver verdict on the Statute of Catalonia, promulgated on July 20, 2006 by the head of state, King Juan Carlos, with the following headline: "Be it known: That the Parliament has approved the citizens of Catalonia have been ratified in a referendum market and I hereby approve the following organic law." Be the first time since the democratic restoration in 1977 that the high court ruled on a fundamental law ratified by the voters. The expectation is high. The expectation is high and the concern is not limited to the evidence that the Court has been pushed by events to act as a fourth House, faced with the Catalan Parliament, the Parliament and the freely expressed will of citizens in polls. Again, this is an unprecedented situation in a democracy. There are, however, more concern. Of the 12 judges comprising the court may issue a 10 statement, since one of them (Pablo Pérez Tremps) is disqualified after a heavy move clearly aimed at changing the balance the debate, and one (Roberto García-Calvo) has died. Of the 10 judges eligible to vote, four remain in office after the expiry of its mandate, as a consequence of the sordid dispute between the government and the opposition on the renewal of a recently defined entity José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero as the "heart of democracy. " A heart valves with sealed, since only half of its members are now free from accident or extension. This is the court of appeal that is about to decide on the Statute of Catalonia. We respect the court-respect undoubtedly superior to that on several occasions this has shown itself, " will not further allude to the causes of delay in sentencing. Forward / reverse
The definition of Catalonia as a nation in the preamble of the Statute, with the resulting emanation of national symbols (did not recognize the Constitution, in Article 2, an integrated Spain regions and nationalities?), Right and duty to know the Catalan language, the articulation of the Judiciary in Catalunya, and the relationship between the State and the Government are, among others, the most obvious sticking points of the debate, according to versions of the same, since that a significant part of the court seems to be opting for uncompromising positions. Some people become dreaming of surgeries iron complex root curtail English. This could be, unfortunately, the touchstone of the sentence.
no mistake, the real dilemma is forward or backward, acceptance of the democratic maturity of a plural Spain, or blocking it. Not only are in play this or that article, at stake is the very dynamic constitutional spirit of 1977 that made possible the peaceful transition. There is reason for serious concern as it may be maturing a scheme to transform the sentence on the statute in a real institutional cerrojazo. A contrary to virtue castling maximum of the Constitution which is none other than its open and inclusive. The Constitutional Court therefore will not decide only on the lawsuit brought by the Popular Party against an organic law of the state (now PP reapproximated to Catalan society with constructive attitudes and flattering speeches.) The covenants require

The high court will decide on the actual size of the English framework of coexistence, that is, on the most important legacy that the people who live and staged a change of regime in the late 70's to transmit younger generation, educated in freedom, fully embedded in the complex European supranationalism and confronted the challenges of which date globalization stiffer seams of the old nation-state. At stake are profound agreements made possible by age 30 most virtuous of the history of Spain. And at this point is essential to recall one of the main spine of our legal system, rooted in Roman: pacta sunt servanda. The agreement requires.
There is concern in Catalonia and throughout Spain need to know. There is something more than concern. There is a growing weariness at having to endure the angry eyes of those who continue to receive the Catalan identity (institutions, economic structure, language and cultural tradition) and the manufacturing defect that prevents Spain reach an impossible dream and uniformity. The Catalans pay taxes (no statutory privilege); contribute their efforts to transfer income to the poorest Spain, facing economic globalization without substantial benefits from the state capital, speak a language with greater population than bellows several official languages \u200b\u200bin the European Union, a language, instead of being loved, is often subjected to obsessive scrutiny by the official English, and abide by the laws, of course, without giving up their peaceful and proven ability to hold civic . These days, the Catalans think, above all, their dignity should be known. We are on the eve of a very important decision. We hope that the constitutional decision in the circumstances of the case at hand, which is none other than the demand for improvement of an old self-European people, remembering that there is no absolute justice, only justice of the case , and therefore the legal basis for excellence is prudence. We return to remember: the statute is the result of a double political pact subject to a referendum. Catalan Solidarity

Make no mistake, or misunderstood the inevitable contradictions of current Catalunya. That no one misses the diagnosis, however many problems, disaffection and troubles. We are not facing a weak society, prostrate, ready to assist impassive to the impairment of its dignity. We do not wish to imply a negative outcome and trust in the probity of the judges, but anyone who knows Catalonia doubt that the recognition of identity, self improvement, obtaining financing and just a quantum leap in the management of infrastructure are and remain steadfastly claims raised a huge political and social support. If necessary Catalan solidarity will articulate the legitimate response from a responsible society.

My deepest thanks to those previously mented newspapers do muster the courage and put aside differences in a subject as sensitive as this.
Please show the world that sometimes we do things together well.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Dubai Whitening Cream

Will they lowering the prices of free housing?

Although certainly a tough response of general application may be too bold in a product, housing, whose market depends to a significant extent on the location, I think there are sufficient grounds to say that housing will continue falling in price.

The graph
can see the developments over the past 15 years in home prices
new free.
From an average price in the vicinity of 700 euros per m2 in 1995 ran to about 2,100 euros in late 2007, representing an increase of 300%, much higher than in construction costs (excluding the price soil) than for the same period was less than 40%.

Chart next door have shortened the time for it to see how the current price is equal to the force in early 2006.

On the other hand, speaks of more than a million in stock to housing developers, banks and individuals remain unsold. In particular, it is assumed that financial institutions which, as I told you in a previous post, I begin to place properties with significant reductions, may have more than 100,000 homes in their hands.

This results in the homes that start (riggers schools visas) are below the minimum as you can see in the accompanying graph.

However, the data of recent months suggest a moderate revival of free housing sales in recent months (see chart next door), which could imply that the market is moving .

In my opinion, until the stock of empty homes is not difficult to put prices will start to rise. What is probably happening in recent months is that homeowners who can not take them longer retained, are introducing a discount. Moreover, credit constraints are still valid, as we remember the Bank of Spain from time to time. So in my opinion, free housing prices will continue falling in general and with more intensity in the areas where more has been the chaos of the past decade.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Write A Thank You Letter To A Hairstylist

red week by Javier Busto

The Red Son gives us a selection of red week rhymed, which is worth reading.

(Recommendations: read the following compilation weekly voice of Gloria Fuertes. Only then can enjoy destitute of such rhymes as the following):

UI has been flagged for

initiative approved to enhance public health management

From Kabila claimed that the South also

there (if Evo wins again
we will very happy!)

Pedro pulls back the curtain and shows us the bones of
a field
ruined by some very bad policies

Flies in the Soup
not understand why people stop to it
And is that one sometimes wonders if it
democracy is dead

Saramago has written a letter to

Haidar (Hopefully yours may soon embrace the

have written and Ines Sira

macho violence that left this year
dead over fifty women

painted in my town
that of "Yankee go home" now have to

adapt to the English army ...

And just with the video
the act of Refoundation ,
(Mogollon's costing me
rimarlo not with "truck"!)

And attentive to " to blog, blogging! " selection that will bring us next week.

What Shoes To Wear With Black Chiffon Dress

Ethics Ethical Banking banking =

Yesterday I was fortunate to attend a presentation of the project Fiare ethical banking which also launched recruitment campaign partners to expand its capital. I learned and that is a reality Fiare bank worth about 30 million euros and a social reality in which they directly or indirectly, more than 1,000 social organizations. Started in Euskadi six years ago, now has presence Fiare Navarra, Catalonia, Madrid, Valencia, Andalusia ... and has embryos in Galicia, La Rioja, Baleares, Canarias, ...

In a time when banking life is at stake to encourage greed and withholding information from its customers, ethical banking is an alternative from the public to put solidarity in center social and economic relations and to promote transparency.

From here we want to encourage you to participate personally or through social organizations you belong to this project for the future. In other countries, similar organizations such as Banca Popolare Etica, have an important development and offer a real alternative to traditional banking. Here there is still travel but, from what I saw yesterday, those who are leading Fiare have clear ideas and ambitious goals for the coming years are sure to satisfy. Let them just need a hand, by participating in its capital or deposit our savings in that institution.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Death Anniversary Invitation Example

La Dignidad de Catalunya

Following an article in ars technica (

link) I decided to post my opinion on the matter. Obviously piracy, both film and series, games and music. I do as a personal protest by several things, including the price - others may be poor quality music CDs, 12 songs that are worth 4, the fact that I have to wait or that in my country (€ Panya h!) chains do not put in VOS series (aka Original Version Subtitulada).

Luckily, since I do not make money and I do not least because I am a collector (among other gems I have is the MS-DOS 6.23, 3D Studio Max 4, Maya 3, and long series of Bola de Drac - dragonball - in Catalan or Knights of the Zodiac with the flower of telecinco xD).
Besides, I can claim (and defend) the fact that language study, my English has improved a bit silly because of this and my Japanese is just beginning But pay 50 € for a game I polish in 16h I think abusibo, or pay 30 € for a music CD (Only music or videos or anything) that are worth 1 / 3 of the songs, because as no. No solution to piracy, which is made to the idea, all I can do is change the system and integrated into Internet. Say
emit the next chapter of House (say a series known) next Monday as long as you just hung on a P2P server (either mule, torrent or whatever) and - no - $ 1 or $ 1.5 with English subtitles ... for I would think.

Or pay 7-8 € for film ... are crazy? I remember long ago was worth 650 pesetas, the change is less than 5 €, and those 2-3 € if, back down. Then there are

jetas and vague, those of "that I pay if I can be free!" Well, for the same reason that I come into your house and pick up the TV ... that is illegal!

defend piracy, yes, but with meaning. Examples
put a phrase from Neil Gaiman -

link to the conference on the issue.
"How have you found your favorite show, your favorite artist or writer, soon after you leave something or someone for piracy?"
More than half of the room raised his hand.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

You And Us Online Digital

I was wrong about

a couple of months ago, at the end of an entry on taxes, expressed my doubts about the evil of the fund. I did not know then that the great fortunes, probably frightened by the possibility of moving the tax advantages of these instruments were withdrawing funds from them. And what I did not know is that there seem to be ways to can withdraw investments without going through the Treasury . I'm not entirely clear how this affects the returns, but apparently seen, I assume that there are ways to avoid paying a tax euro. So definitely I agree with those calling for the revision of the taxation of investment companies and encourage the inspectors to track funds that are now abandoning these instruments.

Sasusaku Recommendations

SICAVs Against Gender Violence

who have to put a day to denounce violence against women should make us think. In an advanced society that we believe are still produced dozens of gruesome murders of women by their partners or former partners and many other attacks which fortunately did not culminate in the death of the victims but leave them with physical or psychological consequences for the entire life. What it fails to make this happen? I guess we should insist on education in respect for every person, we must encourage battered women to report their situation, we must improve the law and address gaps that are being detected in their application and stuff, but not know why I have the feeling that all this is not sufficient. Takes more than just not identify and that has to do with the kind of society we have created. Because I can understand that years ago, in a patriarchal society, women were regarded as objects (read this little tale of Angels Martínez ) but are we supposed progress on this issue and is now commonly accepted that society is more egalitarian. So what is wrong with us?

one hand, I think it's possible that we have not made sufficient progress in the eradication of violence in general. Who is capable of acting violently in a football field in a dispute between neighbors or the wheel of a car has enough ballots to act violently with a weaker person and in an area such as home, isolated from social control.

On the other hand, I think is still too widespread among young people especially among males, contemptuous consideration of the other sex.

But, well, I leave here because I have no ideas at all clear ...

Incidentally, I have drawn attention to the statements of the new secretary general of the PCE, José Luis Centella, considering prostitution as the worst form of gender violence . Although there who do not share the talk of prostitution in this day , does not seem far-fetched this link. Not for nothing most people believe that we understand that prostitution still exists after semi-slave model that helps explain anything sexual equal. One model, by the way, I do not know if it is easy to remove by permissive models.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How To Cook A Boston B*** On A Green Egg

My house, which would

You know that I delivered the big brother Google. And now I have two motives: to see my house in Google Street View (fund is tiny) and I have multiplied by eight space to hang things, so I can continue uploading photos Picasa the best quality.

And I tell you that Google is testing a thing called Google Image Swirl and seems fun. The application related images by theme. For example, I have and I've got Bilbao what you see here . If you click on each group of images is displayed.

Ah, all this and more I know thanks to Google Dirson , a very interesting blog for further news from Google.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Where Can I Play Megatouchboxxi Online

Spain disgusting. This is not new, is a natural process when you see that you take an idiot politicians, judges scratch the balls and if you steal You better steal millions of euros because this will ensure that you do not do anything (poor you four dollars to steal to eat half my life waiting for you ... in jail).

But better explain why such insults puke.
1 .- sr. Zapatero, prime minister, is proving he has no spirit or intelligence to force the adoption of budgets that shit against Spain ostracized scientist, thanks to the PNV and CC (Basque and Canary ... I flip) to give your I needed support and other politicians (whether by intelligence or not look bad to the people) did not give. From here my thanks to mr. Zapatero and his ministers become more and more in North Africa rather than southern Europe. 2 .- The case Millet. Is to piss and take no drop. It turns out that if you steal an incredible pasta, return approximately 30-40% of the stolen and you write a letter to the judge saying that you regret (but hold the rest of the pasta) the judge will withdraw the passport and leaves you free with charges but neither has to pay bail or go to jail or anything.
the newspaper said in its editorial today
3 .- The thymus to the Treasury. During the 80 that had a lot of powerful people who defrauded the Treasury, the case in question only remember Mr. Josep Lluís Nuñez as the president of FC Barcelona.
The issue is that the defense requested a mistrial why "the offense has prescribed." But see, souls of pitcher, vultures, beasts, bastards ... if they are stolen or defrauded the state crime does not prescribe (I hove brings what the law says, I use logic, that today is conspicuous by its absence) until they pay back the money and more taking into account that the state needs money.

4 .- The High Court takes about two years without ruling on the Statute of Catalonia and has painted lengthen it beyond words. How are we, citizens, to trust the judicial system is slow, abuses the poor and benefits the rich? But what kind of nonsense is this? Conclusion

, when I can emigrate to this country (in fact I'm looking for work outside Spain because every day gives me more real and genuine disgust).
begin to sad to see today's society more concerned with issues like abortion (which I spoke and long ) and instead Olympic sweat the really important issues.

Well, there is always the option that I mentioned above, report of a crime of "failure to honor" that would be great because then I could say publicly "how I am going to miss if you have no honor? Is you that ye break faith with the honor of all these judgments, we're the idiots!

I would have to receive Zapatazos, as the journalist who threw the shoe at Bush, paraphrasing V for Vendetta "The Only Thing We Have to Fear is fear itself "

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pinnacle Game Profile Alternative

Piracy and other things take us for fools

guess at the moment, everyone is aware of the failures you want to mount the misrule of Spain, but, I summarize what "
the state budget of 2010 - pending of its parliamentary process - reduce investment R & D average at 3.1% and in some leading institutes will reach even 29%
10/03/1909). budgets not to cut R & D " (source elPeriódico 29 / 09/09 ). Come on, we still made by fools or uneducated, not worse. The fact is that in the crisis situation in which we can not do without the R & D, when one is stranded should not sit on the floor and wait, you must pull forward, and right in the XXI century Science is the only one capable of lifting.
The fact is that there are plenty of things to improve in the world where we are and we must investigate in order to improve and focus resources on it, "an example? new energy.
Renewables are good for feeding a house, building, city, etc. But what this world really needs is a new way to get energy that is comparable to gasoline for cars. Other than that, my honest opinion is that developed countries should "copy" the U.S. example where the crack of 29, filled the country's railroad tracks and thereby causing very many jobs and improving infrastructure at the same time. And here someone might say "hey! But we are full of track and train" with which I agree, so (IMHO) we should look into space. invest in finding new and better ways to leave the planet, ivestigación invest in exploration and aerospace, this must be in my opinion the next logical step ... but blew up the planet.

I said, Mr Zapatero ... stop doing the foolish with R & D budgets, do not you see that everybody says you're doing wrong?

PS Thanks to the irreducible
village to organize the initiative (more than 600 blogs!)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Left Eye Started Crossing

Spanish Science Charnego

This post is going to Be Completely in Inglés.
The reason? An easy one, I've Said always (well, Since My Political Thoughts Are clear) That is from my father and my mother from Extremadura Aragon But my heart has four bars (For Those Who Do not Understand this the "senyera" the Catalonian flag, is four bars network with a yellow background).

But, due to query the public next Sunday (September 13th) on Eichmann Arenys de Munt I myself as pro-Independence.
People said "if you're pro-independence, why are you writing in spanish?"
Well, as I already wrote on my first post I like to write in spanish so more people can read and understand what I say, not only from Spain but from south america as well. I could write this post in catalan, which is my main language, but I know that not everybody understand catalan (a shame) and I also know that if I can convince people that not every pro-independence is close-minded they maybe want to try to learn catalan. I also could wrote everything twice (first in catalan and then in spanish) but first I'm too lazy to do that :P and people tend to see a long text and say the typicial phrase "too long, didn't read it" (also known as TL;DR on english forums).

So yes, I'm what people call a charnego (I live in catalonia but my parents weren't born here) but I consider myself catalan, why? Well... too long to explain, you can send me your e-mail so I can explain you or read my posts and understand what kind of person I am.
I always said that no matter where my parents were born, what really matters is what my heart feels and my heart has always been a catalan one.

Feliç diada a tothom!!
Visca Catalunya! I visca el català!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

How Long Will My Marine Battery Last

not need scissors

Yes, this post I put only in relation to the referendum Arenys de Munt.

explain for those who do not know it (rare I think, with great fanfare that is being given.)

turns out that a few cultural associations separatists want to ask people Arenys de Munt through a referendum - not a referendum - if they would like to Catalonia's independence from Spain. So far, no problem. Day day out we find street surveys ask us our favorite drink, vote intention, football team, etc. But ask about Indepencia is illegal and undemocratic ... undemocratic! A legally binding referendum is undemocratic free!

A name that I have two balls and bells ... "
as not to say I invented it after

But the drama does not end there because according to Deputy Prime Minister (also known in some circles as the mummy is cruel ... real people ...) Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega said
"the Constitution does not include self-determination and Indepencia (
link to La Vanguardia -

EuropaPress link). I say

I ... Could it be that the Constitution is outdated? Because it reminds me of those silly U.S. laws (such as requiring wear pants and matching jackets, but here absurd laws) to which we always laugh. But it does not end there, no joke, because the complaint against the State (sisi!! The state has been stuck in the middle by claiming that only they can apply for referendums ... but damn that is a referendum ... referendum you spell it) are themselves and as counsel for the prosecution chose a former English phalanx, fascist party where they are.
And here I agree with the comparison by the Mayor of Arenys de Munt says it's as if a former Nazi had to judge a person from Israel (
link to The World
link to 3cat24
Cafre "? Yes, a little, but fuck ... is that (as we say in my country) "ja passa aixó of taca d'oli" (in Castilian would be "this and goes from brown to dark").

All they have achieved is that people move and the subject, which in itself is nonsense, appears in all the press. Pathetic go.

Note: If a nationalist is accused of advocating crime or terrorism by not speaking out against the attacks on ETA ... Why not they are accused of the same to those who defend or do not speak out against Franco? Hence the double standards of the great English nation (xDDD)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What Does Wart On The Lip Look Like

It turns out that it is undemocratic to ask

Today after seeing the politicians are screwing around, I was thinking if that would form a political party. Politicians sell ideas, therefore, their customers are the people. How convince a client so sick?

Then the speech that would (is that if you do not bust public xD):
Good morning / afternoon / evening,

Let me Tute.
I come to you wanting to discuss a project I've been thinking for quite a long time but before you start I want to explain a few things clear.
do not believe in political correctness. No offense but who wants to who can and if there are two ways to say something I like to be direct, as I told my girlfriend the day I decided to ask me out (she can assure you I did not say good things, remarked bad) I have two great manias, namely excess of sincerity and absolute lack of tact.
Because time is money and I see that you have to make a detour to tell you what I want to tell.
Those who feel that since I have no college degree (I "conformity" with the training cycles) do not deserve to be here you know where is the door - pause a few seconds to see if someone rises and goes, if someone goes "goodbye Have a nice trip! drive carefully."

Well, once past the first filter and I guess people just stay here, since cenutrios out the door (Put yourself in line for complaints of this honor, pcs. Have decided that I was less by not having to wait for the race so counter-complaint or as you go that.)

Now I tell you how is the country and then ask if anyone thinks I'm wrong:)

The country is wrong. Is badly wrong.
football clubs tease us and the companies services are a mediocre service at best, and many officials - not all - are living the story as they do business, political and other partners, but the worst of it is philosophy.
The country is bad because when we see someone who comes to save it from scratching the envy him instead of hating it and report it.
The country is bad because too many people want to be a rotten apple and live the story instead of being a healthy apple and help pull the cart.
The country is poor because we try to take advantage of others or, if I may say, cheat and steal as much as possible.
therefore begin by saying that the principle would be if I top.
First, completely remove the right to pay for life by "serving the people" X years you throw the car that are you not us so if anyone deserves a salary for life are you not us.
Secondly, the accounts clear and chocolate thick. What is it that a bank can not give money to an SME and if a football club? What is it that you squeeze banks and based on fees and commissions? Where is that money? Following
por orden, tanto ganas tanto pagas. Leí hace tiempo que en finlandia las multas van acorde a lo que declaras (porque dudo mucho que alguien que gana mil euros por minuto jugado en un campo de futbol le preocupe pagar quinientos por una multa por exceso de velocidad.
Si bien es cierto que los empresarios, las ideas y sobre todo las Pymes són quien acaba tirando del carro no lo es menos que dichas empresas no son nada sin los trabajadores. Es decir, todo ha de funcionar como un mecanismo bien engrasado, y en esos mecanismos las partes más pequeñas són las más fragiles pero siguen formando parte del todo y las hemos de cuidar bien.
Nuestros diputados a veces parece que vivan del cuento, I used to be here asking for your support I've been there with you, almost begging to sell me an ideal which I liked and I had the feeling of living the story.
And that's not good.
I know you have the feeling that we are far from yours, we do not see your day to day and why I'm here because I do what I've seen and experienced.
could say I like the story and a part that struck me was the French Revolution. Do you know why? Because if the boss makes it so badly wrong that people are starving and have problems se le corta la cabeza y se pone a otro a ver si lo hace mejor.
No voy a cortar cabezas físicamente hablando pero si en sentido metafórico.
Dicen que hay problemas de empleo, que la gente no encuentra trabajo, que la gente está endeudada y todo ello es culpa de lo que dije antes, nos gusta vivir del cuento. Y entonces me pregunto, si una familia tiene un sueldo de tres mil euros al mes y unos gastos de cinco mil, ¿como se ha llegado a esa situación? ¿fue culpa del banco o de la persona que pidió el credito? Para mi, la culpa es de ambos y del estado, ya que ha permitido esta situación.

I believe in solidarity, but not stupidity. What do I mean? Well, this very well that, for instance, Catalunya so much money to the state as there are communities that can not give much but what is not so well is that in those communities that "may not give much" are gifts of gold and eat it too (pardon the expression) in addition to paying their share.
As my father said, "God said we were brothers, not cousins \u200b\u200b
About the only thing I will say is that this is part of my private person, like my sexuality my football and literary tastes, and has nothing to do with it. Indeed, the last time I checked Spain was a secular country. And I do not care if you're Muslim, Christian, Catholic, Protestant, Rastafarians, Jehovah Witness or a Buddhist. This remains a secular country and this government should not have money to religions, why should we build a mosque will also have to create a site for Buddhists, one for the Rastafarians, Jehovah's witnesses, etc.

Immigration. Here I will join the example of Danish and Australian colleagues.
If you come here is to be from here.
If you want to benefit you the bonus of being from here, you must prove that you are here. We'll see the how but the idea of \u200b\u200bDenmark seems good, a bit exaggerated (instead of six years living here could be two or three) but that is the way forward.
insist and insist that the problem is how have we, the people feel and live life.
an example.
if you know not what they seem to think the Europeans and American English from English, it seems a joke.
I've heard hundreds
of English speaking English and, interestingly, those who are bilingual (speak Castilian and the other official state languages \u200b\u200blike Basque, Galician, Catalan, etc.) are the most seek the accent does not sound like English and English form.
I am not saying that we should not be proud of who we are or how we are, on the contrary, but if we are to respect others and not try to speak a language correctly is not respect others.
In fact I'm proud of who I am. And I'm the son of Extremadura and Aragon, born in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bCatalonia and Europe.
can someone who says they do not feel English ask for your vote to the government? Simple, because they want to feel English! Want
differences disappear and not hate him for having a name Catalan.
wants the country to understand that having multiple cultures living together enriches the country, it becomes more cosmopolitan and more conscious of the coming future.
Why, who want to cheat, how we intend to engage with other countries in Europe if we are dedicated to destroy and attack the different cultures living in our own country?
have to remove those root ideas.
live in the XXI century a century that the writers of the past imagined it to be gold for the human race, where the complex would disappear, the differences and closed ideas. Where a man would be treated as such regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation or creed. I could go on walking down the street as the head is not going to crush and re-entered I want to go to work.
This requires educating people.
some would say it is not government's job, I say that is deeply wrong.
In the throughout history has been bound and people-oriented with laws, rules, prohibitions, taboos and so forth, I think a good argument than the above.
And we are in times of crisis and this is where ideas are gaining strength closed and xenophobic, but that path is wrong!
been doing for at least five thousand years and has taken us forward at all! Keep repeating the same mistakes as before, to another level but still the same.
Europeans see us as northern Africa, are part of the "pigs." Well OK, let's show them we can do as pigs "Revelion on the farm" but without falling into the trap of making the same mistakes, we will take control, to take the bull by the horns, we want to scream to the world that marked path is wrong and you have to delete it and start from scratch.

On terrorism, it is now easier than ever.
ETA Basque Country wants a free, off the English yoke. Just as I wanted for some time Catalunya.
With forgiveness, but is bullshit.
We want freedom because the government presses us, will not let us breathe, teases us and makes up our bad propaganda so that, for the rest of the country, are little more than scum.
But if we begin to appreciate multiculturalism as a gift, like a lot, maybe no one wants to leave.
As a Catalan I feel a respect and a "Germanor" (sorry but I get the word in Castilian) to the Basques do not feel towards any other community in Spain, "so hard to make all of us feel so brothers? Would not it be nice to speak in Catalan, Euskera, Galician, English, French, German? Vale
maybe I exaggerated and not everyone has the potential for it but if we promote that all this is culture and enriches us maybe the next generation grows brighter.
And speaking of culture, I will touch a sensitive issue.
Every author has the right to live of their work. Right. A clear example for me are journalists living in his articles and his way of narrating. Should I pay for every time I read an article? "I know it sounds ridiculous?
The music is more ephemeral and yet more durable since there are songs that one would want to hear again and again.
And that is or should be the most of what an artist should aspire to his work to be felt hundreds, thousands of times.
And that the music industry is misguided. Complain
Internet is like a car manufacturer to complain to Ford or Renault Seat or her fault that no longer sells cars. The future is here, renuevense or die, but die with dignity for the love of God.
And do pay taxes and duties to the people is unfair. It's a stab in the back. It is the rich taking advantage of the poor, treading Goliath David who has forgotten the sling at home.
I as you can see, I believe that everyone is equal and an author should be charged in proportion to the importance of his work.
If I call the Pecota and have released a single LP in my life that did not sell even a hundred thousand copies and, hopefully, I managed to raise five thousand people per concert, I can not pretend to live the story.
If change is that I won a double platinum album, created more than fifty songs, I excited to thousands and thousands of people dead from both concert ending, well I deserve to relax a few years of living a bit of the story.
- End of Part One. XD I'm trapping other day I: P -

Saturday, September 5, 2009

How To Make Big Dickj

meeting minutes preparation for press

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Cruising Bathrooms Las Vegas

Saturnalia celebrations, distortion ... and motion

video by: = 2

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Saying Sick In Hospital


Days like today I realize that does not fit into this world, not wanting, it is impossible.
burrocratizado this world that is full of papers where we have to deny who we are and "go through the tube" ... that's a real shit with all of the law.
As always, there could be more, I'm back to stay practical car ... is not that I know driving is just unsettling to go driving with a squirt malfollado (or whore insatischefa, the case is the same) behind which is not even aware and decides whether or not you have driven enough to get approved.
directory is deleted all traces of character and appears to be strictly forbidden to hum, speak softly or go relaying the play.
But here we not only on the rag today if you are not "socially compatible" (for instance, we all have a facebook but not to use it ¬ ¬ U) will exclude or you life difficult. thinkers and philosophers throughout history have questioned whether this was the right way, I figured that in the wake of two sentences, one of my sister, "the first thing teach you in business is maximum and minimum lost profit "and one of my brother" is a social character, should give an image and do what he wants. "

The first, if I may say, is appalling. It implies that in any business relationship you win and the other loses, we are encouraged that the fraud and deception. (ironic) Lucky we're not talking about anything important, right? (/ ironic)

The other is a little more tricky because the upper class (the posh, rich people, or attempts thereof) truly believe in it and believe that a man can not dress smartly without suit and tie (in contrast Japanese executives do not wear ties in the summer and save energy a la vez que evitan joder más el planeta).

Vamos, que lo que se lleva es ser estéticamente visible (de ahí la fama de machacarse la gente en el gimnasio o los metrosexuales) y pasar por el tubo.
Pos no van finos si esperan verme a mi ahí...

Lo reconozco, soy un rebelde. No hay casi nada en esta triste, podrida y puta sociedad que me guste o me convenza de que "no estamos tan mal" y reto a cualquiera a ponerme un ejemplo, se lo desmonto en un plis.

Pero como se suele decir, "entre todos no seriamos capaces ni de ponernos de acuerdo en de que color es la mierda", así que no queda esperanza ya que si mandan los que están lo harán otros que la liarán mas o menos pero seguimos not care a damn and are worthless unless elections (and then it "mass" not the individual).

illustrated A dictatorship? Could be the answer, but while there is someone who does not agree with who is in power (and there's always some jerk, Look at me now ... lol) will be someone to screw it up.

As I have always defended, is to come an alien race (mostly because if they come here is that we already take enough advantage ... we still can not regularly go to the moon and not so far) and "educate "because if we throw ourselves the only way I see is a cliff by which we cast down all.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

International Optimist Boat Building Plans

How is the world ... Character

Throughout my life I've always been a person of character. Someone who is not daunted by difficulties and, above all, someone who does not let step (as I once read "no less intelligent than I was treated this way, and Einstein is dead")

In 11-12 years, the psychologist (not ashamed to admit, I was a character problem, if you insulted me pulling at the head table today believe that the reaction was disproportionate, but I still think that no one should step on anyone for the mere fact of personal enjoyment) and told me "and change ... will change over time" but I'm still the same.

But my two best friends have slowly been falling apart, or rather the life and the society have been knocking until they have given up on being who they are and are trying to adapt to a society that has always repudiated or at least not treated as they deserve .

Which brings me to another big problem I have with everything with them, one considers that when I speak (or write) and I am stating absolute truths and I got tired of saying "in my opinion" in every sentence I say bitch ; always give my opinion and I do not possess the absolute truth and my view is more to what I can aspire to (I can imagine those of others, but always be marked by my beliefs.) While I defend my point of view vehemently sometimes (for many, too many times) is not less than those who know me know that my problem is that I think both my point of view that I defend to the death.
- is to be faithful to what one believes and not
tread left - ie the record straight without trying to embellish them with politically correct sounding phrases or

If I am guilty. I'm guilty of that and much more. Enraged
I am guilty of every time someone says "that's life" (my typical response? Then her on fire!). I am guilty
not to treat me like shit for anyone, be they managers, leaders, the Pope, the King or the mother who bore them.
I am guilty of still think that we (the people) have led the world to the point where it is and we (the people) are who we have to straighten.
I am guilty of, although I think every human being like me and like, I can not help but feel superior to those who surrender themselves refuse just to fit into society, or simply "pull ahead" (pragmatism not is one of my virtues).
I am guilty of presenting myself as I am (to be told my girlfriend, the first thing I said was my faults and good things, if he had, the discover it ... four years in October will xDDD).
I am guilty of considering what society are my worst faults (pride, faith in myself, for respect and treat me like a human being, excessive candor and total lack of tact) as some of my best virtues.

Although sometimes I still feel hard towards my friends love the fact remains that this is motivated by anger to see that little by little, I'm the only one who is true to himself and not try to fit if for this has to stop being who he is.

Because living with regret is worse than living with the defeat.
And if I changed what I could never forgive myself while much they throw me out into the street, give me kicks, I'm not slow but over time will give me strength.

Because what does not kill us makes us stronger.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Cocktail Waitress Strip Club Wages

ghost of a ghost

I've always liked doing versions of songs that move me. I yield to the urgency of appropriating them. Justify this act with false humility, arguing that learning something, but it's a lie: the truth is that I need to steal the music and make it a skin in which I will introduce my own gut, my juices, guts and moods. If the music that exudes these songs have some value I have to say no.
why now Ghosts?
does it make sense to tell?
do not know. Just know that when you return to Mexico City I met another Once that was not work and had to disassemble it, throw it unusable and reinvent reinvented it, and having the guts displayed by the self-inflicted in such tremendous goring bulls, went to greet my ghosts. Each and every one. Some are hugged
, other diernon me want to skin them. I was often embarrassed.
I guess the self-help books suggest to make peace with them.
Screw them. Anyway
some back and at least remember their faces because they use my same glasses.
The confusion made me fantasize about reviving a dead band and kill a project that will live as long as I live, but what is dead is of worms and what is alive he has no choice but to live even as a ghost.

For formal note here that the original version is from Japan and is in the disk Tin Drum.

Ghosts - Exocet