Monday, December 14, 2009

Shilpa Shetty Pitcher


During my stay in the Department of Housing and Social Affairs of the Basque Government was common for construction companies to send us small gifts. To prevent something worse, charges of EB gave instructions to our / os secretaries not to provide you our home addresses to anyone. I think that discouraged some companies sending lavish gifts but other offices were referring to many present.

Already the first year of our government decided to venture to distribute gifts to the staff of the department through a lottery process for which we used the software application to award VPOs. The striking thing about it received a couple of hams were very good looking. At first we had to bone and envelopes packaged in vacuum and used in small celebrations of the department. Later, the tasty hams were carried directly to the Food Center, an organization that distributes different products between families in need.

As the gifts were often stored in my office, which was the largest space in the department, one of those years there was the carving knife that came with a pig's legs and after a while I decided to take him home. You can not imagine the comments I had to endure: to see what it brings, we prefer the ham, you work too and do not bring anything ... Total, finally I had to compensate my family for the lack of attention to the stress I was carrying government and began to buy a ham every year in the days before Christmas. And the photo is what we have begun to taste this year. He's hot.

Incidentally, speaking of gifts, some learners colleagues and I got to return some gifts such as tickets for the opera and the like, leading to the surprise of the "generous" companies had been sent to us. The reds are like that.


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