Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge Revolution
say anything before I write this text while listening to "Revolution" Amaral with which I have blood on fire.
We're tired, right? I'm not the only one who says, the vast majority of the English blogosphere is outraged with what they want to brew. An unconstitutional law that upholds a commitment to someone who is not a lawyer or a judge will decide to close websites that comes out of the hilt.
Minister ignorance, Gonzalez Sinde, by making us stupid it sounds, because not only has the snout to defend the law but also states that "we should not fear anything." Very lady, "the only thing I'm affraid of is fear itself", we go that little fear, anger much. What I sincerely ask myself is, who is boss here? Because the day after the manifestation of the SGAE go and find that we try to put the folded in a law that has nothing to do and try to suppress our freedoms.
But, see, pitcher souls, ye do you think we are idiots? Where were you when
graves the servers directly fighting for a flat fee? And when they collapsed their PBXs with mobile strike fallen?
We're big, we're unstoppable and you can not with us, however much they try it.
More than two thousand years of civilization have been mackerel, do not you will get it now.
anyone signs up to go to the Ministry of Culture to screw it brown? There needs to be reminded that we are scum in a democracy, that is, the government of the People by the People and for the people, not for bloodsuckers who did something relatively useful for years and want living at it all his life. Banda Sonora
complete while writing this post:
Revolution -> Amaral
Overture 1812 -> Tchaikovsky (yes, V for Vendetta)
Through the fire and the flames -> Dragonforce
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