Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pinnacle Game Profile Alternative

Piracy and other things take us for fools

guess at the moment, everyone is aware of the failures you want to mount the misrule of Spain, but, I summarize what "
the state budget of 2010 - pending of its parliamentary process - reduce investment R & D average at 3.1% and in some leading institutes will reach even 29%
10/03/1909). budgets not to cut R & D " (source elPeriódico 29 / 09/09 ). Come on, we still made by fools or uneducated, not worse. The fact is that in the crisis situation in which we can not do without the R & D, when one is stranded should not sit on the floor and wait, you must pull forward, and right in the XXI century Science is the only one capable of lifting.
The fact is that there are plenty of things to improve in the world where we are and we must investigate in order to improve and focus resources on it, "an example? new energy.
Renewables are good for feeding a house, building, city, etc. But what this world really needs is a new way to get energy that is comparable to gasoline for cars. Other than that, my honest opinion is that developed countries should "copy" the U.S. example where the crack of 29, filled the country's railroad tracks and thereby causing very many jobs and improving infrastructure at the same time. And here someone might say "hey! But we are full of track and train" with which I agree, so (IMHO) we should look into space. invest in finding new and better ways to leave the planet, ivestigación invest in exploration and aerospace, this must be in my opinion the next logical step ... but blew up the planet.

I said, Mr Zapatero ... stop doing the foolish with R & D budgets, do not you see that everybody says you're doing wrong?

PS Thanks to the irreducible
village to organize the initiative (more than 600 blogs!)


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