Today after seeing the politicians are screwing around, I was thinking if that would form a political party. Politicians sell ideas, therefore, their customers are the people. How convince a client so sick?
Then the speech that would (is that if you do not bust public xD):
Let me Tute.
I come to you wanting to discuss a project I've been thinking for quite a long time but before you start I want to explain a few things clear.
do not believe in political correctness. No offense but who wants to who can and if there are two ways to say something I like to be direct, as I told my girlfriend the day I decided to ask me out (she can assure you I did not say good things, remarked bad) I have two great manias, namely excess of sincerity and absolute lack of tact. Those who feel that since I have no college degree (I "conformity" with the training cycles) do not deserve to be here you know where is the door - pause a few seconds to see if someone rises and goes, if someone goes "goodbye Have a nice trip! drive carefully."
Well, once past the first filter and I guess people just stay here, since cenutrios out the door (Put yourself in line for complaints of this honor, pcs. Have decided that I was less by not having to wait for the race so counter-complaint or as you go that.)
Now I tell you how is the country and then ask if anyone thinks I'm wrong:)
The country is wrong. Is badly wrong.
football clubs tease us and the companies services are a mediocre service at best, and many officials - not all - are living the story as they do business, political and other partners, but the worst of it is philosophy.
The country is bad because when we see someone who comes to save it from scratching the envy him instead of hating it and report it. therefore begin by saying that the principle would be if I top.
First, completely remove the right to pay for life by "serving the people" X years you throw the car that are you not us so if anyone deserves a salary for life are you not us.
Secondly, the accounts clear and chocolate thick. What is it that a bank can not give money to an SME and if a football club? What is it that you squeeze banks and based on fees and commissions? Where is that money? Following I know you have the feeling that we are far from yours, we do not see your day to day and why I'm here because I do what I've seen and experienced.
could say I like the story and a part that struck me was the French Revolution. Do you know why? Because if the boss makes it so badly wrong that people are starving and have problems se le corta la cabeza y se pone a otro a ver si lo hace mejor.
No voy a cortar cabezas físicamente hablando pero si en sentido metafórico. Dicen que hay problemas de empleo, que la gente no encuentra trabajo, que la gente está endeudada y todo ello es culpa de lo que dije antes, nos gusta vivir del cuento. Y entonces me pregunto, si una familia tiene un sueldo de tres mil euros al mes y unos gastos de cinco mil, ¿como se ha llegado a esa situación? ¿fue culpa del banco o de la persona que pidió el credito? Para mi, la culpa es de ambos y del estado, ya que ha permitido esta situación.
I believe in solidarity, but not stupidity. What do I mean? Well, this very well that, for instance, Catalunya so much money to the state as there are communities that can not give much but what is not so well is that in those communities that "may not give much" are gifts of gold and eat it too (pardon the expression) in addition to paying their share.
As my father said, "God said we were brothers, not cousins \u200b\u200b
About the only thing I will say is that this is part of my private person, like my sexuality my football and literary tastes, and has nothing to do with it. Indeed, the last time I checked Spain was a secular country. And I do not care if you're Muslim, Christian, Catholic, Protestant, Rastafarians, Jehovah Witness or a Buddhist. This remains a secular country and this government should not have money to religions, why should we build a mosque will also have to create a site for Buddhists, one for the Rastafarians, Jehovah's witnesses, etc.
Immigration. Here I will join the example of Danish and Australian colleagues.
If you come here is to be from here.
If you want to benefit you the bonus of being from here, you must prove that you are here. We'll see the how but the idea of \u200b\u200bDenmark seems good, a bit exaggerated (instead of six years living here could be two or three) but that is the way forward. First
insist and insist that the problem is how have we, the people feel and live life.
an example.
if you know not what they seem to think the Europeans and American English from English, it seems a joke. I've heard hundreds
of English speaking English and, interestingly, those who are bilingual (speak Castilian and the other official state languages \u200b\u200blike Basque, Galician, Catalan, etc.) are the most seek the accent does not sound like English and English form. How
can someone who says they do not feel English ask for your vote to the government? Simple, because they want to feel English! Want
differences disappear and not hate him for having a name Catalan.
wants the country to understand that having multiple cultures living together enriches the country, it becomes more cosmopolitan and more conscious of the coming future. have to remove those root ideas.
live in the XXI century a century that the writers of the past imagined it to be gold for the human race, where the complex would disappear, the differences and closed ideas. Where a man would be treated as such regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation or creed. I could go on walking down the street as the head is not going to crush and re-entered I want to go to work.
This requires educating people.
some would say it is not government's job, I say that is deeply wrong.
In the throughout history has been bound and people-oriented with laws, rules, prohibitions, taboos and so forth, I think a good argument than the above. And we are in times of crisis and this is where ideas are gaining strength closed and xenophobic, but that path is wrong!
been doing for at least five thousand years and has taken us forward at all! Keep repeating the same mistakes as before, to another level but still the same.
Europeans see us as northern Africa, are part of the "pigs." Well OK, let's show them we can do as pigs "Revelion on the farm" but without falling into the trap of making the same mistakes, we will take control, to take the bull by the horns, we want to scream to the world that marked path is wrong and you have to delete it and start from scratch.
On terrorism, it is now easier than ever.
ETA Basque Country wants a free, off the English yoke. Just as I wanted for some time Catalunya.
With forgiveness, but is bullshit. And speaking of culture, I will touch a sensitive issue.
Every author has the right to live of their work. Right. A clear example for me are journalists living in his articles and his way of narrating. Should I pay for every time I read an article? "I know it sounds ridiculous?
The music is more ephemeral and yet more durable since there are songs that one would want to hear again and again. And do pay taxes and duties to the people is unfair. It's a stab in the back. It is the rich taking advantage of the poor, treading Goliath David who has forgotten the sling at home.
I as you can see, I believe that everyone is equal and an author should be charged in proportion to the importance of his work.
If I call the Pecota and have released a single LP in my life that did not sell even a hundred thousand copies and, hopefully, I managed to raise five thousand people per concert, I can not pretend to live the story. Manolito
- End of Part One. XD I'm trapping other day I: P -
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