The thing about football, the important thing about football, is That It is Not just about football
Following the chicken that has been mounted with the laws to the letter and the invasion of our rights essential to preserve the status of certain characters, I discovered that a letter has been created to bring our politicians to see if they open their eyes or stick the thud.
The "Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge" has been created and published through
Barcelona Culture Forum and is available in Castilian and
English (the translation into Catalan of much she will find here
. Admittedly, like any text that really raises serious real solutions is dense, but if we give a chance we can find gems like this: " Despite this, industry entertainment, most providers of communications services and facilities to continue to base their profits and control authority content, tools and distribution channels while maintaining an economy of scarcity. And all this in violation of the rights on citizens as to education, access to information, culture, science and technology, freedom of expression, the inviolability of communications and privacy. The protection of private interests should not be allowed to hold back the development of society in general, regardless of the public interest. " Although I have to admit that what made me tremble, was the following statement ... has made me - how would one of my idols of youth - the chicken skin: " The digital age conlleva implicit promise of a historic world more just and beneficial for everyone. This is the aim of the Proposals desarrolladas BELOW.
'Letter from the Barcelona Cultural Forum for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge'
Human Rights and women and artists in the digital age
We came from a broad coalition more than 20 countries, hundreds of thousands of citizens, users, consumers, organizations, artists, hackers, members of the free culture movement, economists, lawyers, teachers, students, researchers, scientific Activist Treball aturades, Entrepreneur, creators ... Convidem to the Citizenship a fer tota aquesta seva Charter difondre-la-la i pose in practice.
governsID Convidem a tots els, multinacionals i institucions to escort la urgentment, i applied entender la-la. We
, a broad coalition of citizens, users, consumers, organizations, artists, hackers, members of the movement for free culture, economists, lawyers, teachers, students, researchers, scientists, activists, workers, unemployed, entrepreneurs, creators from over 20 countries
invite all citizens to endorse this Charter, it discloses since implemented.
invite all governments, multinational corporations and institutions to support, understand and implement urgently the contents of this letter
We, a broad coalition from over 20 Countries, of Hundreds of Thousands of Citizens, users, Consumers, Organizations, artists, hackers, members of the Free Culture Movement, Economists, lawyers, teachers, students, Researchers, scientists, Activists, Workers, Unemployed, entrepreneurs,
Creators ... We invite all to make this Citizens Charter theirs, share it and put it Into practice. We invite all
governments, Multinationals and Institutions urgently to listen to it, UNDERSTAND it and it enforce.
Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge
Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge
Charter and Innovation, the Creativitat i l'Accés to Coneixement
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Shilpa Shetty Pitcher
During my stay in the Department of Housing and Social Affairs of the Basque Government was common for construction companies to send us small gifts. To prevent something worse, charges of EB gave instructions to our / os secretaries not to provide you our home addresses to anyone. I think that discouraged some companies sending lavish gifts but other offices were referring to many present.
During my stay in the Department of Housing and Social Affairs of the Basque Government was common for construction companies to send us small gifts. To prevent something worse, charges of EB gave instructions to our / os secretaries not to provide you our home addresses to anyone. I think that discouraged some companies sending lavish gifts but other offices were referring to many present.
Already the first year of our government decided to venture to distribute gifts to the staff of the department through a lottery process for which we used the software application to award VPOs. The striking thing about it received a couple of hams were very good looking. At first we had to bone and envelopes packaged in vacuum and used in small celebrations of the department. Later, the tasty hams were carried directly to the Food Center, an organization that distributes different products between families in need.
As the gifts were often stored in my office, which was the largest space in the department, one of those years there was the carving knife that came with a pig's legs and after a while I decided to take him home. You can not imagine the comments I had to endure: to see what it brings, we prefer the ham, you work too and do not bring anything ... Total, finally I had to compensate my family for the lack of attention to the stress I was carrying government and began to buy a ham every year in the days before Christmas. And the photo is what we have begun to taste this year. He's hot.
Incidentally, speaking of gifts, some learners colleagues and I got to return some gifts such as tickets for the opera and the like, leading to the surprise of the "generous" companies had been sent to us. The reds are like that.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
How Does Your Period Affect Running
The office does not close
seems mobilization to prevent the closure of the Youth Information Office has been successful and, although with a reduced budget, will remain open in 2010. Congratulations to Argizai, a group that managed the office and on his blog has collected criterion change City.
seems mobilization to prevent the closure of the Youth Information Office has been successful and, although with a reduced budget, will remain open in 2010. Congratulations to Argizai, a group that managed the office and on his blog has collected criterion change City.
Jon And Kate Plus 8 Hit The Road Dvd
These PSE us increasingly surprised can
We'll see. One thing is that the PSE Euskadi executive has decided to pass the budgets of the institutions governed by the PNV (which already has conchabeo offense this, of course) but from there to not present a single amendment (see the last line of the article), as did the PSE Galdakao, but a chasm. This is a very serious neglect, speaking of the most important municipal decisions each year, the / as councilors that party should be banned / as. For lazy / as incompetent. The worst thing is that they continue to vote ...
We'll see. One thing is that the PSE Euskadi executive has decided to pass the budgets of the institutions governed by the PNV (which already has conchabeo offense this, of course) but from there to not present a single amendment (see the last line of the article), as did the PSE Galdakao, but a chasm. This is a very serious neglect, speaking of the most important municipal decisions each year, the / as councilors that party should be banned / as. For lazy / as incompetent. The worst thing is that they continue to vote ...
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Huntik Season 2 When Is It Coming Out
Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge Revolution
say anything before I write this text while listening to "Revolution" Amaral with which I have blood on fire.
We're tired, right? I'm not the only one who says, the vast majority of the English blogosphere is outraged with what they want to brew. An unconstitutional law that upholds a commitment to someone who is not a lawyer or a judge will decide to close websites that comes out of the hilt.
Minister ignorance, Gonzalez Sinde, by making us stupid it sounds, because not only has the snout to defend the law but also states that "we should not fear anything." Very lady, "the only thing I'm affraid of is fear itself", we go that little fear, anger much.
But, see, pitcher souls, ye do you think we are idiots? Where were you when
graves the servers directly fighting for a flat fee? And when they collapsed their PBXs with mobile strike fallen?
We're big, we're unstoppable and you can not with us, however much they try it.
More than two thousand years of civilization have been mackerel, do not you will get it now.
anyone signs up to go to the Ministry of Culture to screw it brown? There needs to be reminded that we are scum in a democracy, that is, the government of the People by the People and for the people, not for bloodsuckers who did something relatively useful for years and want living at it all his life. Banda Sonora
complete while writing this post:
Revolution -> Amaral
Overture 1812 -> Tchaikovsky (yes, V for Vendetta)
Through the fire and the flames -> Dragonforce
say anything before I write this text while listening to "Revolution" Amaral with which I have blood on fire.
We're tired, right? I'm not the only one who says, the vast majority of the English blogosphere is outraged with what they want to brew. An unconstitutional law that upholds a commitment to someone who is not a lawyer or a judge will decide to close websites that comes out of the hilt.
Minister ignorance, Gonzalez Sinde, by making us stupid it sounds, because not only has the snout to defend the law but also states that "we should not fear anything." Very lady, "the only thing I'm affraid of is fear itself", we go that little fear, anger much.
I have it before and I stick this ostia three days passed around.
What I sincerely ask myself is, who is boss here? Because the day after the manifestation of the SGAE go and find that we try to put the folded in a law that has nothing to do and try to suppress our freedoms. But, see, pitcher souls, ye do you think we are idiots? Where were you when
graves the servers directly fighting for a flat fee? And when they collapsed their PBXs with mobile strike fallen?
We're big, we're unstoppable and you can not with us, however much they try it.
More than two thousand years of civilization have been mackerel, do not you will get it now.
anyone signs up to go to the Ministry of Culture to screw it brown? There needs to be reminded that we are scum in a democracy, that is, the government of the People by the People and for the people, not for bloodsuckers who did something relatively useful for years and want living at it all his life. Banda Sonora
complete while writing this post:
Revolution -> Amaral
Overture 1812 -> Tchaikovsky (yes, V for Vendetta)
Through the fire and the flames -> Dragonforce
Natrual Birth With Cardiomyopathy
At stake in Copenhagen is much
As world leaders arrive at Copenhagen Airport are to find posters photo-like where, and aged, ask forgiveness for not having done enough to stop catastrophic climate change. Also I leave Greenpeace targets posed for this summit. They balanced combines the efforts of developed countries to reduce their emissions with the necessary assistance to countries developing so you do not increase disproportionately. Leonardo Boff has written on his part this weekly column encouraging us to protect Mother Earth (how I hate this expression so fondly used Boff) pressuring governments to make substantial commitments in Copenhagen. It reminds us that we have received from our ancestors this beautiful planet that we have borrowed from future generations.
As world leaders arrive at Copenhagen Airport are to find posters photo-like where, and aged, ask forgiveness for not having done enough to stop catastrophic climate change. Also I leave Greenpeace targets posed for this summit. They balanced combines the efforts of developed countries to reduce their emissions with the necessary assistance to countries developing so you do not increase disproportionately. Leonardo Boff has written on his part this weekly column encouraging us to protect Mother Earth (how I hate this expression so fondly used Boff) pressuring governments to make substantial commitments in Copenhagen. It reminds us that we have received from our ancestors this beautiful planet that we have borrowed from future generations.
That's it. Pressures, pray, dream, ... but we can not let this last opportunity and if not with us / as. More than ever, let us be part of the species human and temporary users of the Earth and secure the future of both.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Hair Colouring Koleston Chart
by mistake had interpreted Urreta was Topagune of what is closed. It is actually the Youth Information Office, located on the premises. However, I still have a serious cause for indignation and correct the entry but not delete. (Changes in yellow)
Galdakao City Council is making mischief. With the excuse of the crisis without any foundation, service charges, the Youth Information Office Urreta , who was making a fundamental role as a reference to youth l Galdakao .
Do not they realize that in a time like this, in which many young men and women have lost their jobs is more important than ever to maintain and even enhance, support services Youth as the Youth Information Office ? Is it so difficult to understand is this?
As Argizai, the leisure group that was managed, has own blog I refer to it for you to read letter they sent to the media and the people of Galdakao and the review has published the Courier, and mostréis them your support need.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Red Spots Around Urethras
Urreta manifesto in defense of fundamental rights on the Internet
Given the inclusion in the Draft Law on Sustainable economy of legislative changes affecting the free exercise of freedom of expression, information and the right of access to culture via the Internet, journalists, bloggers, users, professionals and Internet developers express our firm opposition to project, and declare that:
- Copyright can not be above the fundamental rights of citizens, as the right to privacy, security, presumption of innocence, effective judicial protection and freedom of expression.
- The suspension of fundamental rights is and must remain the exclusive competence of the judiciary. Not a close without trial. This bill, contrary to the provisions of Article 20.5 of the Constitution , placed in the hands of a non-judicial body, an agency Ministry of Culture, the power to prevent English citizens access to any website.
- The new legislation will create legal uncertainty around the English technology sector, damaging one of the few areas of development and future of our economy, hindering the creation of enterprises by introducing barriers to competition and slowing its internationally.
- The new proposed legislation threatens to hinder new creators and cultural creation. With The Internet and advances in technology have democratized the creation and publication of contents of any kind, no longer come predominantly from the traditional cultural industries, but from many different sources.
- The authors, like all workers are entitled to live out of their creative ideas, business models and activities associated with their creations. Trying to hold legislative changes to an outdated industry that can adapt to this new environment is neither fair nor realistic. If your business model is based on the control of the copies of the works and the Internet is not possible without violating fundamental rights, should find another model.
- believe that cultural industries need to survive modern alternatives, effective, credible and affordable and to adapt to new social practices, rather than limitations so disproportionate as to be ineffective in that they are pursuing.
- Internet should function freely and without political interference sponsored by groups that seek to perpetuate outdated business models and make it impossible for human knowledge remains free.
- We urge the Government to guarantee by law the Net Neutrality , in Spain before any pressure that may occur as a framework for developing a sustainable economy for the future.
- propose a real reform of intellectual property rights oriented end: return to the society of knowledge, promote the public domain and limit abuses of management entities.
- In a democracy, laws and amendments should be adopted after due debate and consultation with all parties involved. It is unacceptable that legislative changes are made that affect fundamental rights in a non-organic law and deals with other matters.
This manifesto, drawn up jointly by several authors, is all and none. It has been published in many web sites. If you agree and want to join it, spread it over the Internet.
Also available in English , Catalan, Galician , Asturias , and Brazilian Portuguese.
Ontario License Stickers Colour
Yes, I know, lately I am only writing posts assertive, but esque to the politicians of this country $ tambourine they are splitting the pot in a way that should be considered criminal.
Therefore, from here to join the initiative promoted by
in defense of our rights, which is already much good joke.
Given the inclusion in the Draft Sustainable Economy Act of legislative changes affecting the free exercise of freedom of expression, information and the right of access to culture through the Internet, journalists, bloggers, users, professionals and Internet developers express our firm opposition to project, and declare that: 1 .-
Copyright can not be above the fundamental rights of citizens , including the right to privacy, security, presumption of innocence, judicial protection effective and freedom of expression.
2 .- The suspension of fundamental rights is and should remain the exclusive
judiciary. Not a close without trial. This blueprint, contrary to the provisions of Article 20.5 of the Constitution, put in the hands of a non-judicial body under the Ministry of Culture, the power to prevent English citizens access to any website. 3 .-
The new legislation will create legal uncertainty around the English technology sector , damaging one of the few areas of development and future of our economy, hindering the creation of enterprises by introducing barriers to competition and slowing its international. 4 .-
The new proposed legislation threatens new creators and hinder cultural development . With The Internet and new technologies have democratized the creation and release of contents of any kind, no longer come predominantly from the traditional cultural industries, but from many different sources. 5 .-
like all workers are entitled to live out of their creative ideas, business models and activities associated with their creations . Trying to hold legislative changes to an outdated industry that can adapt to this new environment is neither fair nor realistic. If your business model is based on the control of the copies of the works and Internet is not possible without violating fundamental rights, they should find another model.
6 .- We believe that cultural industries need to survive modern alternatives, effective, credible and affordable and to adapt to new social practices, rather than limitations so disproportionate as to be ineffective in that they are pursuing. 7 .-
Internet should function freely and without political interference sponsored by groups that seek to perpetuate outdated business models and make it impossible for human knowledge remains free.
8 .- We demand that the law guarantees the neutrality of the Net in Spain
, before any pressure that may occur as a framework for developing a sustainable economy for the future. 9 .-
propose a real reform of intellectual property rights-oriented
end: return to the society of knowledge, promote the public domain and limit abuses of management entities.
10 .- In a democracy, laws and their amendments must be adopted after due debate and having consulted all stakeholders
. It is unacceptable that legislative changes are made that affect fundamental rights in a non-organic law and deals with other matters.
is also available in English
Catalan and Galician
(thanks for the links to Javier Llorente )
This show was created in response to the protest yesterday, December 1, 2009, made several English authors and members of the SGAE signed until 2500 "authors" (links to news: elPeriodico , bbc , ElPais ). Personally tell this ... "People" (as hard to be right sometimes) I have ever downloaded anything of his, who do not know anyone who will listen, that are dedicated to do something of quality and do not try to live the story.
As read a comment I read yesterday in a forum "if I tell my boss to pay me for what I did last month, gives me two ostia.
me is that heats the blood. Remember, remember,
the 5th of November the gunpowder
treason and plot I know of no
reason why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Shuffleboard And Arm Pain
fundamental rights on the Internet
From here join the initiative last November 26 to 12 newspapers promoted by Catalan (El Periódico, La Vanguardia, El Punt, Avui, Segre, Diari de Tarragona, La Mañana, Diari de Girona, Regió 7, The Nou 9, Diari Diari de Sabadell and Terrassa). then the full text of editorial. After nearly three years of slow deliberation and continuous tactical skirmishes that have damaged the cohesion and eroded its prestige, the Constitutional Court may be about to deliver verdict on the Statute of Catalonia, promulgated on July 20, 2006 by the head of state, King Juan Carlos, with the following headline: "Be it known: That the Parliament has approved the citizens of Catalonia have been ratified in a referendum market and I hereby approve the following organic law." Be the first time since the democratic restoration in 1977 that the high court ruled on a fundamental law ratified by the voters. The expectation is high. The expectation is high and the concern is not limited to the evidence that the Court has been pushed by events to act as a fourth House, faced with the Catalan Parliament, the Parliament and the freely expressed will of citizens in polls. Again, this is an unprecedented situation in a democracy. There are, however, more concern. Of the 12 judges comprising the court may issue a 10 statement, since one of them (Pablo Pérez Tremps) is disqualified after a heavy move clearly aimed at changing the balance the debate, and one (Roberto García-Calvo) has died. Of the 10 judges eligible to vote, four remain in office after the expiry of its mandate, as a consequence of the sordid dispute between the government and the opposition on the renewal of a recently defined entity José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero as the "heart of democracy. " A heart valves with sealed, since only half of its members are now free from accident or extension. This is the court of appeal that is about to decide on the Statute of Catalonia. We respect the court-respect undoubtedly superior to that on several occasions this has shown itself, " will not further allude to the causes of delay in sentencing. Forward / reverse
From here join the initiative last November 26 to 12 newspapers promoted by Catalan (El Periódico, La Vanguardia, El Punt, Avui, Segre, Diari de Tarragona, La Mañana, Diari de Girona, Regió 7, The Nou 9, Diari Diari de Sabadell and Terrassa). then the full text of editorial.
The definition of Catalonia as a nation in the preamble of the Statute, with the resulting emanation of national symbols (did not recognize the Constitution, in Article 2, an integrated Spain regions and nationalities?), Right and duty to know the Catalan language, the articulation of the Judiciary in Catalunya, and the relationship between the State and the Government are, among others, the most obvious sticking points of the debate, according to versions of the same, since that a significant part of the court seems to be opting for uncompromising positions. Some people become dreaming of surgeries iron complex root curtail English. This could be, unfortunately, the touchstone of the sentence.
no mistake, the real dilemma is forward or backward, acceptance of the democratic maturity of a plural Spain, or blocking it. Not only are in play this or that article, at stake is the very dynamic constitutional spirit of 1977 that made possible the peaceful transition. There is reason for serious concern as it may be maturing a scheme to transform the sentence on the statute in a real institutional cerrojazo. A contrary to virtue castling maximum of the Constitution which is none other than its open and inclusive. The Constitutional Court therefore will not decide only on the lawsuit brought by the Popular Party against an organic law of the state (now PP reapproximated to Catalan society with constructive attitudes and flattering speeches.) The covenants require
The high court will decide on the actual size of the English framework of coexistence, that is, on the most important legacy that the people who live and staged a change of regime in the late 70's to transmit younger generation, educated in freedom, fully embedded in the complex European supranationalism and confronted the challenges of which date globalization stiffer seams of the old nation-state. At stake are profound agreements made possible by age 30 most virtuous of the history of Spain. And at this point is essential to recall one of the main spine of our legal system, rooted in Roman: pacta sunt servanda. The agreement requires.
There is concern in Catalonia and throughout Spain need to know. There is something more than concern. There is a growing weariness at having to endure the angry eyes of those who continue to receive the Catalan identity (institutions, economic structure, language and cultural tradition) and the manufacturing defect that prevents Spain reach an impossible dream and uniformity. The Catalans pay taxes (no statutory privilege); contribute their efforts to transfer income to the poorest Spain, facing economic globalization without substantial benefits from the state capital, speak a language with greater population than bellows several official languages \u200b\u200bin the European Union, a language, instead of being loved, is often subjected to obsessive scrutiny by the official English, and abide by the laws, of course, without giving up their peaceful and proven ability to hold civic . These days, the Catalans think, above all, their dignity should be known. We are on the eve of a very important decision. We hope that the constitutional decision in the circumstances of the case at hand, which is none other than the demand for improvement of an old self-European people, remembering that there is no absolute justice, only justice of the case , and therefore the legal basis for excellence is prudence. We return to remember: the statute is the result of a double political pact subject to a referendum. Catalan Solidarity
Make no mistake, or misunderstood the inevitable contradictions of current Catalunya. That no one misses the diagnosis, however many problems, disaffection and troubles. We are not facing a weak society, prostrate, ready to assist impassive to the impairment of its dignity. We do not wish to imply a negative outcome and trust in the probity of the judges, but anyone who knows Catalonia doubt that the recognition of identity, self improvement, obtaining financing and just a quantum leap in the management of infrastructure are and remain steadfastly claims raised a huge political and social support. If necessary Catalan solidarity will articulate the legitimate response from a responsible society.
My deepest thanks to those previously mented newspapers do muster the courage and put aside differences in a subject as sensitive as this.
Please show the world that sometimes we do things together well.
no mistake, the real dilemma is forward or backward, acceptance of the democratic maturity of a plural Spain, or blocking it. Not only are in play this or that article, at stake is the very dynamic constitutional spirit of 1977 that made possible the peaceful transition. There is reason for serious concern as it may be maturing a scheme to transform the sentence on the statute in a real institutional cerrojazo. A contrary to virtue castling maximum of the Constitution which is none other than its open and inclusive. The Constitutional Court therefore will not decide only on the lawsuit brought by the Popular Party against an organic law of the state (now PP reapproximated to Catalan society with constructive attitudes and flattering speeches.) The covenants require
The high court will decide on the actual size of the English framework of coexistence, that is, on the most important legacy that the people who live and staged a change of regime in the late 70's to transmit younger generation, educated in freedom, fully embedded in the complex European supranationalism and confronted the challenges of which date globalization stiffer seams of the old nation-state. At stake are profound agreements made possible by age 30 most virtuous of the history of Spain. And at this point is essential to recall one of the main spine of our legal system, rooted in Roman: pacta sunt servanda. The agreement requires.
There is concern in Catalonia and throughout Spain need to know. There is something more than concern. There is a growing weariness at having to endure the angry eyes of those who continue to receive the Catalan identity (institutions, economic structure, language and cultural tradition) and the manufacturing defect that prevents Spain reach an impossible dream and uniformity. The Catalans pay taxes (no statutory privilege); contribute their efforts to transfer income to the poorest Spain, facing economic globalization without substantial benefits from the state capital, speak a language with greater population than bellows several official languages \u200b\u200bin the European Union, a language, instead of being loved, is often subjected to obsessive scrutiny by the official English, and abide by the laws, of course, without giving up their peaceful and proven ability to hold civic . These days, the Catalans think, above all, their dignity should be known. We are on the eve of a very important decision. We hope that the constitutional decision in the circumstances of the case at hand, which is none other than the demand for improvement of an old self-European people, remembering that there is no absolute justice, only justice of the case , and therefore the legal basis for excellence is prudence. We return to remember: the statute is the result of a double political pact subject to a referendum. Catalan Solidarity
Make no mistake, or misunderstood the inevitable contradictions of current Catalunya. That no one misses the diagnosis, however many problems, disaffection and troubles. We are not facing a weak society, prostrate, ready to assist impassive to the impairment of its dignity. We do not wish to imply a negative outcome and trust in the probity of the judges, but anyone who knows Catalonia doubt that the recognition of identity, self improvement, obtaining financing and just a quantum leap in the management of infrastructure are and remain steadfastly claims raised a huge political and social support. If necessary Catalan solidarity will articulate the legitimate response from a responsible society.
My deepest thanks to those previously mented newspapers do muster the courage and put aside differences in a subject as sensitive as this.
Please show the world that sometimes we do things together well.
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