Following the chicken that has been mounted with the laws to the letter and the invasion of our rights essential to preserve the status of certain characters, I discovered that a letter has been created to bring our politicians to see if they open their eyes or stick the thud.
The "Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge" has been created and published through

English (the translation into Catalan of much she will find here
. Admittedly, like any text that really raises serious real solutions is dense, but if we give a chance we can find gems like this: " Despite this, industry entertainment, most providers of communications services and facilities to continue to base their profits and control authority content, tools and distribution channels while maintaining an economy of scarcity. And all this in violation of the rights on citizens as to education, access to information, culture, science and technology, freedom of expression, the inviolability of communications and privacy. The protection of private interests should not be allowed to hold back the development of society in general, regardless of the public interest. " Although I have to admit that what made me tremble, was the following statement ... has made me - how would one of my idols of youth - the chicken skin: " The digital age conlleva implicit promise of a historic world more just and beneficial for everyone. This is the aim of the Proposals desarrolladas BELOW.
'Letter from the Barcelona Cultural Forum for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge'
Human Rights and women and artists in the digital age
We came from a broad coalition more than 20 countries, hundreds of thousands of citizens, users, consumers, organizations, artists, hackers, members of the free culture movement, economists, lawyers, teachers, students, researchers, scientific Activist Treball aturades, Entrepreneur, creators ... Convidem to the Citizenship a fer tota aquesta seva Charter difondre-la-la i pose in practice.
governsID Convidem a tots els, multinacionals i institucions to escort la urgentment, i applied entender la-la. We
, a broad coalition of citizens, users, consumers, organizations, artists, hackers, members of the movement for free culture, economists, lawyers, teachers, students, researchers, scientists, activists, workers, unemployed, entrepreneurs, creators from over 20 countries
invite all citizens to endorse this Charter, it discloses since implemented.
invite all governments, multinational corporations and institutions to support, understand and implement urgently the contents of this letter
We, a broad coalition from over 20 Countries, of Hundreds of Thousands of Citizens, users, Consumers, Organizations, artists, hackers, members of the Free Culture Movement, Economists, lawyers, teachers, students, Researchers, scientists, Activists, Workers, Unemployed, entrepreneurs,
Creators ... We invite all to make this Citizens Charter theirs, share it and put it Into practice. We invite all
governments, Multinationals and Institutions urgently to listen to it, UNDERSTAND it and it enforce.
Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge
Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge
Charter and Innovation, the Creativitat i l'Accés to Coneixement