ZP: You will be son of a p. .. Ja n'hi
First remark that the Castilian version of the previous post and I will write someday (if someone asks me if I write that, but do be done ... stick me ^ ^)
By topic: P
Yesterday was a great day for Catalonia. More than a million people took to the city center to say "enough of us fooled!", The motto was "We are a nation. We have the right to decide" As the sr. Artur Over the conclusion of the demonstration (not a transcript but a general recollection of what he said as my words, this first clarification) "after try by democratic means has been that the English Constitution does not provide a multinational state. Then we will have to dispense in Spain if we move forward" and I agree but I say it clear, self-determination.
I have friends all over Spain and truly are good people, I have nothing against the English, but against Spain and its treatment of Catalunya, as if we were the fucking slaves if you complain that we put you with the whip. says the vanguard (
here) we were "one and a half Castellana" and I invite you to check it on the same site (
gallery, video
), after seeing this I still say if you believe the version of
that only had 56mil people.
that's another. As computer feel embarrassed by such partisan and demagogic manipulation of information. First it seems that the photos were made at 20:30 (the start time was at 18 but not 18 to 19 we moved even a meter> What do you know why: because you or your software claims that are a million and a half ( and that makes them look bad in front of the sponsors and other Public ) or why your software is a real trash, bored me want to do a head count to make a sack. And if Messrs.'s Lynce, can not have people moving when there we moved into a fucking time> sum, owed Espanya, hello Europe!
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