Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dinner Wedding Saree Blouse

(This post is entirely in Catalan, Castilian version will write tomorrow if I'm in the mood )

Enough < la mani se disolvió a las 20h) y segundo que no puedes hacer esas afirmaciones tajantes y no explicar el método cientifico que has utilizado (para que el resto lleguemos a la misma conclusión que tu haciendolo igual).
is okay to take that number, this time could be said to have gone too far, obviously I mean the ruling of the Constitutional Court on the Statute of Catalonia by aprova't hara Catalan village four years ago. <
Some say that the adjustments are not so (like the Ombudsman
of language, no matter the fact is they have aprova't mutilated a statute by the Catalan people have shown once a month a number of things:

That so called English Constitution does not contemplate the peaceful coexistence with other forms of thinking and being than the very

Whose highest organ of Justice - the Constitutional Court - has not only been slow and awkwardness, has also shown that justice is politicized in Spain. That its main parties (PSOE and PP, we want it or not suffering from Spain bipartisanship) Only Interested in the photo right out and declare both winners who lost it while Catalonia and the Catalans' right to self
So, in my view, there is only one option. Self-determination.
    The European Constitution contemplates the fact that a rebel town in another country, in this case Catalonia in Spain, may (under certain conditions Sincerely, I have not found ... ten do not cost as found all the European Constitution in pdf or similar: S) independence of the country is rebel and joined the EU as an independent state.
  • and output should be more democratic and civil way possible, show the world Why are we better off without Spain.
  • For those who think that we have no chance they leave a series of data.

Uruguay has just under 3 million people. In the capital (Montevideo) live approximately one and a half. In Sweden

live just over 9 million people. In

PS Excuse the spelling errors, we S'ha pogut fet that ^ _ ^


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