Friday, March 25, 2011

Write In Guest Book For A Funeral

unclassifiable writers: the strangeness (second part)

DGD: Landscape 30 (clonografía) 2001
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* Science speaks of mystery, but it almost always in the tone of what still has not managed to uncover (and added an implied "But there we are") and the latter word is synonymous with winning (hence the phrase as the conquests of science is as usual and festive). Western mentality lists only works if the world and not a real thirst for knowledge but because cataloging equivalent to dominate. It is classified as ordered, standardized, weighed and measured, hence the unclassifiable only be understood as "still has not been pigeonholed in its right place," meaning, "which is on track to be ordained "while it is not, will be watched with a growing distrust (and almost say with growing fear) because it represents the chaos.

The same is true all systems of thought as his positivism encounters prevail areas where the paradoxical, contradictory, ambiguous, the irreducible, these areas are treated as mysteries, enigmas, charades ready to be solved. It happens, of course, in literature, and here we talk about exactly this area uncertain, fleeting, elusive, in which certain writers have sailed, some by fate, others by vocation, almost always out of the channels through which flows so as euphemistically called "mainstream." And although others (some almost impermeable) to the media, from time to time and call them the rescue, which is meritorious, but rarely occurs through an effort of understanding and rescue rather that be done in the same tone in which science speaks of "anomalies" and the religion of "heretical currents, ie, in a word to reinforce the canon.

good example is found in a book published in 1996 titled Atypical in Latin American literature (ILH-CBC Printing Office, UBA, Buenos Aires, 1996, 431 pp.), Edited by Noah Jitrik and joint presentations at a meeting of writers with an aura of "count of the century" every writer invited to this conference talks about some author more or less linked to the strangeness. This "strange literary account of the twentieth century" therefore proposed its own euphemism: "atypical." Among all the items used to refer to the unclassifiable, that is one of the least insulting, but not without its dark area. And is that using the term "atypical" is invoked, automatically, a "local color" as opposed to which we can highlight to the non-typical. Saying "secret writer" implies all those who are not secret, while saying "writer atypical" typical back to everyone else. In reviewing the rate of Atypical in Latin American literature is remarkable that only three of the authors of these trials used the word atypical in their titles, as if the other tests raised a kind of embarrassment, discomfort.

however, why what words have been replaced "atypical"? Sonia Romero Gorski gives your Felisberto Hernández article entitled "Eccentricities at water's edge." Graciela Gliemmo contains the text "We're cool, crazy and dangerous: the Colombian nothingness." Other essayists opt for euphemisms more intricate, well, Ana Maria Zubieta called Arturo Cancela "A best-seller forgotten." But even these texts are included in a book with a specific name that bathes them all, so the reader infers that "atypical" is something between eccentric, brilliant, crazy, dangerous or forgotten.

The volume includes the essay "Antonio Porchia, an inhabitant of the universe" Miguel Espejo, and here, exceptionally, this title produces a curious inversion. Are not we all "inhabitants of the universe", which corresponds to a typical? With that phrase, mirror likes to allude to a simultaneity: the Argentine maestro Antonio Porchia, the most unclassifiable of all authors unclassifiable- Unlike other human beings, living in the universe so ubiquitous, as we knew him his friend and disciple, the Argentinian poet Roberto Juarroz. For a close reading, the title plays with the redundant and obvious in order to rescue the typical and atypical: we are all in the universe, but only a few are really its inhabitants, as was Porchia. However, that finding it enough to single out the text and avoid the cover with the inferences that handle all the others? Is it enough to understand, no need to differentiate Antonio Porchia of other authors anthologized, but that should not be equal to each other through contaminated letterhead?

In the list of authors studied in this book, which like all is incomplete and arbitrarily, it is understood that each of these writers holds a very personal "atipificidad", but still may surprise some readers the inclusion of names as Silvina Ocampo, Elena Poniatowska, Martin Luis Guzman and Juan Gelman, who clearly enjoy the dissemination and prestige that are considered unfairly absent in the other figures studied (the "atypical"). The authors of the respective trials could be argued that, although Ocampo, Poniatowska, Guzman and Gelman are "typical" (ie, within the inference Overall the book are "known"), there are areas where their works that can properly be considered "atypical" within the meaning of parts marginal areas subversive little-known texts that are unorthodox or difficult to understand.

But is not this same reasoning can be applied to any writer "known", and especially the most famous? If accepted "typical writers atypical areas, then why not include Borges, to mention the more immediate example of a celebrity author and typified by unknown on its slopes less studied? Any big name in the literature, therefore, could included in the book. What, then, the "atypical"?

When you say "white" or "black", these concepts are understood as poles of a scale that connects them, are located between "shades of gray" as required by those who reject the "Manichean." The book Atypical in Latin American literature therefore creates a scale that would leave "as at least unusual," but this, instead of arming the reader, inviting and almost forces to establish the scale opposed: the ranging from "most to least typical." Both scales would be connected at a point environment in which writers could be found that are both "less atypical" and "less typical." You can substitute the word and talk about writers' most well-known unknown "," kinder than dangerous, "" more superficial underground "and so on. In that case would Ocampo, Poniatowska, Guzman and Gelman, authors also highlight in an imaginary anthology of the "typical" (anthology undertakes no because then the "typical" is revealed for what it is, a derogatory item.)

But these accommodations are arbitrary in particular cases are examined. Miguel de Cervantes fought to be something more than "the author of Don Quixote ", so did about Michael Ende Neverending Story or Julio Cortázar Rayuela after . Few are the authors 'typical' who have not struggled with the definition (it means to be petrified, boxes, turned predictable), and the result is that the critical uses that attitude with the primary aim of classifying with renewed momentum. Moreover, in the scales of binary thinking every moment increases the understanding that every writer "atypical" necessarily aspire to be established. Is not the term "atypical" most of the criminalization unpunished because it arises from outside, usually on authors who can not defend themselves?

In the world of science, studying the exceptions serve to prove the strength and resilience of the rules, and subsequently to confirm, the same is true when analyzing the literary work of the "atypical." Typically not designed as defined in the dictionary, "characteristic of a type" or "peculiar to a group, country, region, period," but emphatically as the standard . Down with the certainty that only thoroughly discusses the most typical, can be found there a multitude of outliers; there is no exceptions to the rules abound in most monolithic, of no use that heterodoxy is revealed at each step rather than "default" from orthodoxy but as its very foundation. The atypical still looks like chaos, ie the typical threat that is order.

In Atypical in Latin American literature, the presence of Antonio Porchia radiates something that goes beyond casual items such as "atypical" and is translated into something that can only be called strange . Although the text of Miguel Espejo is respectful, choose two brackets: one is the literature other indefinable marginality Antonio Porchia (1885-1968), author of one book, marvelous, called Voices . [1] In the first case, the literary world is seen as a standard that ignores everything that threatens its stability. In the second case with society. In both cases it is an order that is challenged from within by a chaos that can not be understood, and can not be understood because it tends to define the terms of its opposite, order.

In general, all quantities studied in this way suffer large deformations: literature, society, life and work of a particular author. The rule is chained to the "abnormal" the orthodox to unorthodox, rule their defenses, but not in a dialogue, but in a witch hunt. The standard orthodoxy, the rule requiring combat and destroy what questions to finally "mainstream", ie for use as evidence of the strength of the rule, the strength of orthodoxy, the permanence of the established order. The Western mind would collapse if he contemplated the "atypical" independently of the typical, ie with a name that automatically alluded to its opposite. Antonio Porchia's presence in this book, however, pronounce the name: strangeness. And perhaps, even better, estrangement . A stranger who, for once, not measured against the non-strange, but wraps it in the same aura of otherness . Perhaps nothing is more subversive.

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[1] can be seen in this blog, a text devoted to Porchia, clicking here.

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[ Read the third part.]

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