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experimental A trip made involuntarily
But there is another way mystical view that implies the opposite: no contempt and isolation, but the commitment and integration, without thereby falling under the influence of "Wanting and Power." He who sees this as a step beyond building a reality cerebral want without burn not shy away from the kingdom because of passion but because it has no other passion than to contemplate. This form of vision certainly belongs alteroscopio the call, and his great declaration of principles is in several paragraphs written by Bernardo Soares, the only real nickname of Fernando Pessoa, in The Book of Disquiet , and especially in this :
Life is an experimental journey, made involuntarily. It is a journey of spirit through matter and, as is the spirit that travels, is it where you live. There is, therefore, contemplative souls who have been more intense, longer, more noisily than others who have lived outside. The result is everything.
___ What has meaning is what has been experienced. One is given a dream job as visible. Has never lived as long as when you thought much. ___
Who is in the corner of the room with all the dancers dance. He sees everything and, because he sees everything, live it. Like everything else, ultimately, is a feeling we both better contact with a body like his vision or even the mere memory. I dance because when I dance. I mean, as the English poet, to tell you looked, lying in the grass, three reapers, "A fourth is mowing, and that's me."
* first thing
Soares does is make the danger of mystical otherwise see "so much thinking, I am and my thoughts but not me. I probed and dropped the probe alive if I am deep thinking or not, probe another look now that I sample, from clear to black hole in the mirror above, my own face I contemplate contemplated. " Then, assuming its own sense of seeing, an involvement so thoroughly, that Soares comes to exclaim:
Soares does is make the danger of mystical otherwise see "so much thinking, I am and my thoughts but not me. I probed and dropped the probe alive if I am deep thinking or not, probe another look now that I sample, from clear to black hole in the mirror above, my own face I contemplate contemplated. " Then, assuming its own sense of seeing, an involvement so thoroughly, that Soares comes to exclaim:
Both have lived without having lived! I thought both without thinking! Hanging over me worlds of violence stops, adventure taken without movement. ___
I'm sick of what ever I have had or will have, tedious gods exist. I carry the wounds of all the battles I have avoided. My body muscular effort is ground I have not thought of doing. [...] I think I sleep, I'm walking cast, I suffer without feeling. My great nostalgia is nothing, is nothing like Sky High do not see, and I'm looking impersonally.
impersonal but not without a person, that is without borders between people. View which can only mean see it all: "Whoever has crossed all the seas has crossed only the monotony of himself. I have crossed seas and over all. I've seen more mountains than there are in land. I've gone through that existing cities, and no major rivers have flowed worlds, absolute, under my eyes contemplative. If you travel, find the weak copy of what he had seen without traveling. " And in a marvelous moment of revelation:
Anything under is considered, is a surprise or an embarrassment, an all or nothing, a road or a concern. Ever consider a different way is to renew it, multiply it by itself. That is why what the contemplative spirit has never left his village has yet to command the entire universe. In a cell or in a desert is infinity. In a cosmically asleep stone.
* This is because: "Not around these figures, with the contemplation of which I entertain, it is my custom weave any entanglement of fantasy. I see them, and their value to me is to be seen. Everything else they added the decline because decline, so to speak, its "visibility". "
* The meaning is to be "also covered the mountains and the statues, enjoying the days of books, dreaming about everything, especially to make our inner substance."
* And more, it is to see programming and consensus without telling us what to see and how it conducts what amounts to a simple action that is actually a creation : "Hopefully at this moment I'm sorry, was someone I could see this as if it had more to do with it than see it: see the whole thing as if the adult traveler arrived today at the surface of life! Not learning, from birth on, to make sense given all these things, you can view them with the words that are separate from the expression that has been imposed. [...] Look at everything first, not apocalyptic, as revelations of the mystery, but directly, as blooms of Reality. "
And that way be able to reach the maximum possible exclamation: "I lost sight of what he saw. I blinded sight. I feel, and with the triviality of knowledge. This, now, is no longer Reality: It's just life. "
The unrest of Bernardo Soares is the impulse that leads him to unravel the secrets of Reality, which is a creature ( have learned, from birth on, to give directions given to all things ) and not to manipulate or dominate, but to see ( view it with the expression that is separate from the expression that has been imposed ) and then to share fully and consciously what Reality can only be dealt with through isolated blooms: Life.
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