After months without writing, had to be a general strike that has awakened me from my slumber and has encouraged me to tell you what ultimately is stirred within me. And this is not nothing but a singular anger at the situation we are living and to the measures that our politicians are taking. A pissed off, for what I saw yesterday, is shared by a very important part of citizenship.
And no wonder. The pressures of what ultimately is called "markets" and the actions of undemocratic institutions like the IMF or the ECB, together with government measures for management rights would be well advised millionaires of large financial corporations, not to mention the decadent mercenary ratings rating agencies, are calling into question the very foundations of the welfare state, or what is the same, the social contract that allowed capitalism to operate in European societies . In the English case, this agreement was reflected in the Constitution which, together with the recognition of property rights or free enterprise in the context of the market economy, includes the right to work, the right to join unions, the role social ownership, equality and progressive contribution to the maintenance of public expenditure, or the rights to health, education or protection social.
other words, if one of the parties question the free functioning counterparts that capitalism was, in the case of the lynching of trade unions that we have seen in recent weeks on the other will also be in our right to raise the limit, for example, freedom of action of capitalist enterprises.
But going a step further, it is obvious that the relationship between citizenship, state (welfare) and business complex is so big that nobody can ignore. And while we think, perhaps not be able to determine what was possible if the chicken or the egg. Say that the state promotes, with the resources that gives citizens an industrial estate in which a company develops its work, for which recruits citizens to those who paid for their work, which in turn deliver part of those revenues to the state in taxes to keep it in schools that are the future employees of the company and build roads that can carry the products it wants to sell, products that are purchased by citizens who bring their money to the company for it to pay wages, make new investments, pay the dues of the SS ... and so on. All this can work reasonably well if they operate the instruments required balance, call them taxes, unions, unemployment insurance, pensions, etc. But if these elements are eliminated or significantly reduced or prevented its performance balancer, which is calling into question the basic agreement.
I do not tell what has been said to understand that I am closed to advance. No. We show below. But I'm not willing to accept is that while from one side of the contractors fulfill our part of the agreement from the other are infringed their due.
One more step. At this point in the film I think we are many / as, even the statist, the / as convinced / as the initiative of the people (which is incorrectly called private) is something that should be encouraged. And this for two reasons: because it is a dynamic element of society and the economy, and because the exercise helps people to be happy ... that is not small.
On the other hand, the separation between capital and labor, which inexplicably survives today despite the changes that have occurred in enterprises, is becoming less meaningful. What better way to have the capitalists to get the involvement they need to named "workers thinking" that more and more, to share with them as the risks and results of efforts made by both sides! This, in turn, encourage people's initiative.
also think that the strengthening of the productive economy versus the speculative economy is another element that should be seriously considered in the future.
And finally, I still think the state should play an important role not only in covering the needs of those affected by imbalances in the system, but especially as a dynamic element of society and the economy. In this sense I think the welfare state model that has been promoted in recent decades has been disastrous. Gift vouchers, tax cuts without foundation, etc ... have served to demobilize the population and carry minimum of initiative. On the contrary, the State should devote its resources and efforts to promote the conditions that allow / as citizens and business entities and social development activities, innovative, creative and enriching, in the broadest sense of the word. By the way, to make this work the state will need operational tools, not only grants.
To this should be added, perhaps should have started there, the values \u200b\u200bthat should underpin any society and appointed in one way or another, there are others that freedom, equality "fairness, justice, solidarity and fraternity.
They think they could be the basis of a new model or, if you will, a new social pact to replace the still existing. But while it comes, it will come, we require all / as respect for rules and institutions of which we have adopted.