Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Camera Lcd Screen Spots

Caritas in veritate

Some time ago I said that I would to read the Pope's encyclical letter " Caritas in veritate ." I read it but between one thing and another I have not told my impression. Well. I think it is a document worthy of study and would advise anyone who wants to incorporate new perspectives in the analysis of the crisis we are living and, above all, the integration of ethics in the functioning of the economy and operators. This document had a certain impact on its publication but quickly fell into oblivion. Only statements of some bishops, worried sick because they could interpret that the Pope was against the market economy (which is what encouraged me to read it) held one day plus interest. However, I think it's a powerful document that puts the bases of humanizing vision of the economy.

Indeed, the encyclical does not manifest itself in a manner contrary to the market economy but introduces many nuances and conditions to consider a fully human economy as well be considered revolutionary in these times. Expressions like the following give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe spirit underlying the text:

economic development, social and political needs, if you want to be authentically human, make room for principle of free as an expression of brotherhood.

... is necessary in the market to accommodate the economic activities of individuals who freely choose to exercise its management moved by principles other than mere profit ...

The letter speaks of the economy in general, corporate governance, social responsibility (CSR), the state's role in development cooperation (it is a good handbook of principles for this activity), the role of trade unions or consumer, environmental protection, etc.

One idea that has caught me most is the need to create an alternative economic framework. I have little or no confidence that the venture capitalists really consolidate a model of ethics. For many CSR, ethical codes and control instruments are applied, the goal of maximum profit corrupts everything . There is more to watch the news and even maintenance bonus increased to some senior executives of companies in crisis . No. It is essential to generate a new network-based business units, as suggested by Benedict XVI, do not give absolute priority to profit. Business units with high involvement / workers in management (the cooperative model I still do) with the capacity to innovate continuously and vigorously compete in the market. This is complemented by a strengthening of the state, in addition to legislation severely to prevent abuses of the private sector also incorporates business units that enable leading public or redirect future economic sectors and ensure that basic services are provided in adequate conditions of access to all citizens.


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