Monday, May 28, 2007

Margot Tenenbaum Dress Buy

The musicians are assholes horse 179-2

Over there I've encountered a meme circulating around, and as above, and embedded journal I am, I could not resist the curiosity to get involved.

is to transcribe the second paragraph on page 179 of the book I'm reading, so here it is:

"When she looked at Pauline, started. It was Pauline! Even with his clothes looked as bleak another person, younger, as if he had suddenly lifted a heavy burden. It was not his face or his mouth or his forehead that had changed. All the change came from the secret joy that animated his black eyes. Something unknown to all she produced an endless inner joy. " Maria

Dermoƻt, The ten thousand things

Page 179, another book I read, oddly enough is the last of the novel not yet published by my friend Juan Pablo, thus a real bitch I would transcribe the final paragraph.

What I do is include in this year's song No. 179, itunes library, and the second song that I prescribe Calypso (in rigorous random order) from this time.

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