unclassifiable writers: the strangeness (third)
DGD: Landscape 38 (clonografía), 2001
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One of the hardest tests that are sometimes the poet, the artist, is the acceptance of their marginality. Today's society is made to look the "stars" to promote the motivations that day. It might even be a question of rhythm: the rhythm apparent, sons of the momentary interests of the seduction community or circumstantial, not match with what one is. [...] The media imply a lack of human charity. And apart from the commercial aspect, offer essentially show, something that poetry is not .
Roberto Juarroz
Another book worth considering breaking all the expectations of restraint and not only for its size (it is divided into two thick volumes, one of 1.676 pages, the other 2.376) but the title and the euphemisms that are proposed to encompass the unclassifiable. is Crazy, eccentric and marginal Latin American literature (CRLA-Files, Poitiers, 1999), which also includes the papers of a meeting of writers, this coordinated by Joaquín Manzi, as untypical Latin American literature, is clothed with the character of being an "accounting of the marginalization of literature in the century ends." Here, then, euphemisms are not considered necessary: \u200b\u200bthis book in two volumes and does not seem dedicated to writing secret and not even the "unusual" but to the madness (the first volume begins with "Map of American madness" Maryse Renaud). However, the latter is associated with the eccentricity and marginalization, which are two characteristics of "atypical." That is, it addresses the same but with fewer scruples.
Thus we speak of Mercedes Cabello de Carbonera from under "Madness announced, or Afonso Henriques de Lima Barreto as dipsomania and submission to the madness", and Francisco Matos Paoli is labeled as "crazy poetry. Regardless of the quality or hastening of the respective judgments, this first volume that holds the secret, unusual or eccentric to be associated with terms such as madness and art. Even though the various authors try to situate the author who studied in a particular record of this scale, the other items around and delimiting this figure.
This happens with the inclusion of Juan Jose Arreola and Efren Hernandez with names such as Horacio Quiroga, Vicente Huidobro, Oliverio Girondo, Gabriela Mistral, on the one hand, and on the other those of Qorpo-Santo (José Joaquim de Campos Leão), Juan Emar (Álvaro Yáñez Bianchi), Emilio Lascano Tegui (self Viscount), Joaquim Machado de Assis, Porfirio Barba-Jacob and Roberto Arlt. Since they are included in this volume, these authors, even "vanguard" ("atypical") that is, acquire respective combinations (which the reader does not bother to measure individually) of three elements: "crazy", "eccentric" or "marginal." Your choice.
The second volume includes essays whose titles provide new inferences of synonyms for writing secret: heterodoxy, range, rarity, periphery, benign madness. "Crazy, eccentric, marginal or all together? Some of the authors studied, as João Guimarães Rosa, Alejandra Pizarnik, Enrique Lihn, Paul Rokha, Mario Vargas Llosa, José Lezama Lima, José Revueltas, Augusto Monterroso, Lillian Hellman, Clarice Lispector and Leopoldo Marechal, are or are not marginal according to how they want to see. Everything depends, therefore, the burden of giving meaning to words. To be called marginal Borges, Miguel Angel Asturias even Agustín Yáñez or they could be described as eccentric, too, if you wish, Octavio Paz could be placed in the category of insanity. At the end of these large volumes, the reader can not fail to see some form of rarity in any writer, any human being. And perhaps he lacks some reason .
Books like those mentioned above attempt to "separate" the canon (typical) unclassifiable writers, sullen to their generations, unwieldy by orthodox critics. (Moreover, criticism is not designed to detect who has genius, but exactly who do not have . A criticism is to "conquer" the same way as everything else: with obsessive determination and through complicated strategies, but mostly playing the game that she understood and controlled. An author who wants to show that he has awakened genius scorn and contempt, the artists have learned that the best thing to be granted is a bitter cynicism begins to accept that the "genius" is a thing of the past, romantic, démodé , primitive and finally completely alien to the human. And the human, the same way of these inferences, is defined as failure.)
dint of digging into these works, so that such interpretations end up doing is to present the reader with a new table definition. Faced with such weirdness, who reads these anthology not conclude that these writers are unknown undisclosed, but because they lack the merit of those that are "known." In the vicious circle, it is understood that these are exactly known for its merits (the first one, the sanity), so is outside the canon, either for lack of merit, or by indifference to them .
However, such "extravagances counts" there is at least some form of affirmation given to the minority, so flows the understanding that there is some merit to avoid being classified , but do not drive that merit to be known but by small groups of readers (how tricky this statement is the cult of eccentricity itself, the transparent is the need to get amazed at the strangeness). Atypical anthologies as American literature and Locos, eccentric and marginal Latin American literature are in a dangerous edge because they end up, regardless of their good intentions (especially to rescue from oblivion the cataloging reluctant works), by be efforts to classify the unclassifiable (rationalize the strange, chaotic order, establish exceptions that prove the rule, so at the price of making authors misunderstood in incomprehensible), but there would be no interest in editing if not sensed, in essence, a call of another kind or, rather, the fact that it is necessary another mentality access otherness. It is essential to face surprising strangeness, which means no confirmation transformed into normal.
The danger of each of these books anthology is that, willy-nilly becomes a ship of fools , that is, requires rare to board a single ship, when the only way to be faithful to them would let each in his personal watercraft and sail the seas to see who wants to explore without trying to tell the direction. In theory, this is what has made each author of the essays collected, since it is supposed to be a specialist in a particular figure atypical, has investigated individually, and only knows the other "atypical" less intensive modes (if not ignored), but reading it sometimes appears certain that, even when the biographer is only to the biography, there are moments when I considered not so staff but it would seem almost communal, is say that the tester is of the mindset dominant majority the consensus always defined by opposites (as coherent as opposed to the incoherent, etc.).
The merit of this anthology lies in bringing together material that was published separately elsewhere, eventually dwindle and become mere "curiosities" due to comparison to its context, however, happens that when a joint is a chemical reaction explosive. The reader's experience shows that, from a nondescript to another and another, begins to make comparisons, common denominators and overall criteria in spite of his initial attempt to understand that each of them is sui generis . Just as the authors of each test, the reader will therefore begin to classify ("this is weird," "this one is eccentric," this is great "). When you travel enough text, the reader should recognize that the inferred items are all writers, known and unknown, in one way or another: mad, marginal, dangerous, cutting-edge, peripheral, forgotten or heterodox.
In the second volume of Locos, eccentric and marginal ... Claudio Canaparo A key when Elijah Ingar described as "a writer fallen off the map". In effect, the maps are official and an official (canonical authority, cultural power) that decides who to include in the maps (the power, through its main tool, the propaganda, which says who "is" and who "is" not only that, but what and how they are the merits needed to "be" and to "be"). But it also says Ingar Canaparo not simply "not" on the map, but fell him. New synonym for a writer inferred secret: the crash. The simple fact of not being a celebrity is converted to the ominous (re) fall into anonymity.
only so the only surprise that actually generates the majority reader of this book in two volumes is that which arises to note that there may be writers who are not interested be on the official map. All strange that they acknowledge is an eccentricity of not having dedicated his life and efforts not just to be on the literary map, but above all, to avoid falling him. The price of this is terrible, to posterity not interested in these figures but one thing: why not fathom the horror fled, like all of the terrible void of anonymity.
springs here a crucial question: how a secret writer becomes "paradoxical and contradictorily-known? Sometimes it is by one person, usually another secret writer who writes one or more texts with the total certainty of being the only one who knows this author and thus becomes itself "authority" is ie specialist. In the two books mentioned only three names that are repeated: first Elena Poniatowska, a well known writer, and on the other Qorpo-Saint-secret and the Viscount de Lascano Tegui. Does this indicate greater accuracy in the classification of these three writers as "rare"? Or simply means that the call was made to specialists rather random and therefore did not who know and have dealt with the work of these writers secrets (in which case there would be more repetitions) or many others (in which case both books could have been a thousand times more pages)?
is said, perhaps without too much exaggeration, that every writer who comes to the "marquee" (or "candlestick") supersedes its predecessors and represents (or hide) a hundred more that remain in the shadows and that "naturally "fought hard to occupy the same site. Who analyzes the picture from this mentality is based on reasoning that in principle seems false: no writer who voluntarily autodefiniría as "secret." Ergo, the goal of all literature is the marquee, either (at one end) by lust for power or (in another) and need for disclosure. And if all motivations, ethical or not have a single goal, under "secret writer" always comes from outside and involves one whose strategy of power failure (on one end), as well as to the other who does not have the media to advertise (on the other end.)
All writers, then, would be playing the same game, regardless of their motivations: a power play. Part of that game, then, is that every player agrees (more implicit than explicit) that if no "Merit" attributed to it items that would never have chosen for himself or for his work and always come from outside, eccentric, marginal, maverick. All these adjectives are in the same line as crazy, dangerous, forgotten ..., and the latter will go to anyone who wants to play the game, to warn of the dangers running if you really want to leave anonymous. It would be interesting
analyze how the specialists included in these books relate to those who study authors. The analysis will be subjective, no doubt, but still presents a scale ranging from admiration and enthusiasm to scorn and ridicule, and at its midpoint manifests a kind of academic indifference "objective", a large part of the text is in this middle ground, some in need of a "critical distance", others in search for dispassionate portrait it is the reader who form an "opinion." However, since the name of the game for both titles is "eccentric" in almost all texts will be some form of bewilderment: at one end of the scale, this will happen when the devotion of the biographer encounters dark areas or unexplained in life and work of biography, at the other extreme, when you get tired of seeing specialist everything through the lens of the picturesque. Conclusion: there is no language or style capable of describing the real surprise, an area of \u200b\u200bthe spirit for which there is no name (of a hill that is, in essence, unclassifiable). He understood
according to which every writer needs heterodox orthodoxy by force, rests on the truism that even published writers secrets, ie require readers seek recognition. But is it the same? Is it possible to feel a difference, but it is difficult to specify in each case, among the writers who claim to be recognized at all levels, and publishing to find readers in the highest sense of the term? If there is such a difference may perhaps be stated another way: there are writers who speak to be noticed, and there are those who speak because they can not stop saying what they see in the world.
How painful it must be that an unclassifiable writer requires a recognition among readers accustomed to being recognized and being according to a consensus of rigid classifications. What a great loneliness of each writer unorthodox, because by its very definition can not form groups, schools, currents, and in the few cases where, despite everything he has done, fails to form, precisely and to the extent of his honesty groups eccentric , Marginal schools, current atypical , all away from the limelight, the media, on the merits. This is why the vast majority of writers choose to assimilate input to orthodoxy, to play the game of prestige although some of them dislike, make merits of the only established, which usually ends up diluting the artistic power of each ( but at the same time begin convincing them that they have sufficient strength to cross the swamp without getting dirty). How sad, particularly, vengeance perpetrated against which manifests against the Olympic game recognized prestige.
A stunning example of this revenge is offered by a text in the first volume of Locos, eccentric and marginal ... signed by Hervé Le Corre, whose title is "From the rare degenerate (critical psychiatric and modernism)." A title and lost the "seriousness" and become complacent pedantic, condescending paternalism, even unveiled as a sign of intellectual imperialism that is allowed to be commiserate with the strangeness, and this record extends to all the authors collected in these volumes. What remains after reading these books, in addition to the estrangement in the reader? The final image is sadness and noise. Nobody
concerned with the sensational title Locos, eccentric and marginal Latin American literature. In fact, should be chosen carefully to find what is called a "marketing strategy" (ie to sell a book in half fiercely unclassifiable rated). Ultimately this book does not disclose secrets writers, we sell more or less picturesque forms of madness and sometimes, as in the case of Le Corre, striking forms of degeneration. How many of these writers would be horrified to be stuck in the shaker, and above all be appalled at the fact that posterity has ended up designing their visions the world as a degeneration, as eccentricity, such as dementia?
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