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The etymology fiction
* The linguists call folk etymology is the origin of the words attributed to a collective wisdom guided less by the canonical rules for phonetic similarity. But how much truth is hidden in those games of imagination. The etymology is a phonetic-fiction fiction.
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Delirium etymological and painting
* Delirium etymological Bierce called it. No doubt, but something terrible is in the background when that delusion based on a life. A painter who was scandalized by the abundance of works of his contemporaries would say that a single painting could take years. To explain, he added: "In English, the first four letters of painting hold the key. Painting is pain, but you are painting the joy and because of that. No less true is that the painting depicts the pain and therefore in the most exalted moments, paint is the greatest suffering. "
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Phonetics fiction (I)
An ocean of new possibilities, especially when different languages \u200b\u200bare interrelated with the ease and irresponsibility inventing stories. For example magnum, brotherhood phonetics of the French word désir (desire) and the English word mean . All that is desired. All I want is a say.
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fiction Phonics (II)
Latin American popular speech uses a beautiful turn when it comes to minimize a claim, reducing it to mere boutade , "so to speak." Complete the phrase-that is, take it to extremes, is the boutade further, which almost means further truth: that is a whole say.
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Phonetics fiction (III)
* No less worrisome is the quasi-phonetic identity of the English words look, luck and lock. Looking is a die cast. Luck is a closed watch. When the look is lucky, he finds before him a lock to be opened.
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and censorship Sens
sens French and English censorship. Who does not sometimes feel that the senses are a censure of the world? In the same vein, the senses are said to capture the world, where there is only a step to say that I caught. Censoring and capture: atrocious verbs that are part of the rhetoric power. Because the meaning of meaning is not to restrict or punish, but rather the opposite. Perhaps nothing else gives the true sense.
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Cara and charity
* Caritas
, altruistic love, is opposed to Eros, sensual love. Caritas is giving without expecting correspondence, while Eros is taking for me. The phonetic similarity between face emoticon and gives rise to imagine that the charity gives the face (da) while the hidden eroticism (removed). Caritas not expect correspondence, and That does not hide then give values \u200b\u200bto the unveiling, as does Eros, which is only waiting for correspondence. Charity is not only giving the face: hence it is a discredited word and almost one might say brazen. In its best moments, is to touch your face with your hands and skin.
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Poem written in a dream
emeralds are also called eyes,
but the eyes are cloudy
whose eyelids are called heaven,
the curtain on the day where you paint or paint peeling
as a nude dancer
that has a name
different to when she is dressed,
look in the mirror and contemplates his eyes are sky
are clouds that are emeralds
but the eyes are cloudy
whose eyelids are called heaven,
the curtain on the day where you paint or paint peeling
as a nude dancer
that has a name
different to when she is dressed,
look in the mirror and contemplates his eyes are sky
are clouds that are emeralds
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