Monday, June 28, 2010

Cheap Eye Exam, Toronto

Dignity has prou

The written below is a letter signed by professors of law:

In Defense of Statute of Catalonia, the undersigned, professors from the Faculties of Law of Catalan universities, we express our deepest concern over the situation in which there is the Statute of Catalonia of 2006 before the Constitutional Court, and in this regard we note the following:

1. Firstly, our conviction that the statute passed by the Parliament of Catalonia and the Parliament and subsequently ratified in a referendum by the people of Catalunya is in full conformity with the Constitution. All bodies involved in the statutory process operated from the will and conviction to act within the framework of the Constitution, understood in an inclusive sense, which had accommodated the aspirations of self rule, expressing the negotiated and agreed by Parliament de Catalunya and the Parliament and subsequently ratified by the citizens of Catalonia. The Constitution is never a closed standard, with a content that has been frozen in a given time. The Constitution is always open to interpretation, and in this lies its ability to adapt to new times and new circumstances. The new Statute of Catalonia of 2006 amounted to understand and regulate certain self-government issues in a different way from what I had done the statute until the time of 1979, approved nearly 30 years ago, in circumstances very different from today. But standing in the framework of the Constitution and respecting fully.

have solid legal arguments well-founded to support the constitutionality of the statute of 2006, which have been expressed over recent years at events and in academic journals during the pendency of appeals before the Constitutional Court. This is not the place to repeat, but

wish to express our total conviction, to name only a few examples significant, that the treatment makes the Catalan language, the use of the term national competence regime, finance or relations with the state are fully consistent with the Constitution.

That's right: a condition that it not be interpreted restrictively and exclusive. claim, as it can not be otherwise, to be made well in mind this basic principle of constitutional justice, which has repeatedly been claimed also by the English Constitutional Court, and not only respected, but in this case is extreme deference to the law, since it is a standard approved by the democratic legislature, and also by popular referendum.

3. The statute, in the constitutional system of 1978, expresses a political and with it a certain interpretation of the Constitution. That was in 1979, and so was again in 2006. It becomes very difficult to understand how to impose a particular judicial interpretation, also adopted meager majorities in open to debate and subject of deep controversy, not only politically but also legally, on the interpretation that has made it the democratic legislature , for two reasons, the Catalan Parliament and courts, and has been ratified by the people. We would
our concern that you have just imposed a restrictive view of the 1978 Constitution, adopted precisely will inclusive and open, and consequently are essential elements of the statute outlawed, what would happen in reality is that the political pact has already been reached by the self-government of Catalonia, and assented large majority of the Parliament of Catalonia, the Parliament and the people of Catalonia, would be outside the Constitution. The risks posed by this situation can not escape anyone.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Smartst Install Cd Navman F20

Charter on behalf of the Statute

The other day I get an email (Moony t'estimo xD) with a rant of holy ciborium (a rant rant is, if someone does not know, actually do not know if there is a word but spent years using it xDD)

Here I leave the rant, enjoy it.

"Zapatero has announced that it will touch-screen laptop to each primary school student. So, no matter the cost, or that we are in crisis, nor what the fuck uses a 10-year kid a laptop with internet in class if not to be in the tuenti, or if the teacher is ready to use that thing or subject, in order to impart on a computer. Because at my university, Industrial Engineering, we are lucky if the teacher has the transparency of the subject on the computer. Not worried about whether there outlets in classrooms, or the pastuso it costs, or the environment.

has only been worried about getting votes, to come out on TV, and that insurance will pay for every laptop together, it will be one euro. As all the PSOE and the PP. Because no one has said that this is a sovereign subnormality that is going to go out for a pretty penny. Neither the parliament nor on television. Because they are all equal, because the only thing that matters is what they steal and pretend to argue, but always get the salary agreement. And I have played to the hilt, they and who supports some or others.
pay the price of gold the energy generated by renewable energy, solar panels and windmills. They are so expensive to build and maintain, if not subsidize (come on, the pay of all), does not come out profitable. Which are difficult to build, do not give a shit power, have a life of few years, and then you have to throw everything, and yes polluter an egg. Because everyone knows a little, has long been known that the energy cleaner and cheaper is nuclear. But we have eaten the head and we are eating. For as in La Muela, the politician in office charges for each mill.

Today I have the balls to the banks that got us into a crisis by giving mortgages of 200,000 people with a salary of 600 and presented as an endorsement lollipops, and now close the tap when they were made of gold . And he's playing the asshole that bought it, without worrying whether they could ever pay. And the thousands of stakeholders who have speculated on the floor and housing. And now nobody is paid, but we all threw their hands in their head.

And the PP and employers as a cheaper offer redundancy and reduce unemployment. And the last: Retirement at age 67 who gives more? And nobody tells them to reduce the salary bitches, they have a steady income, and the other when gold did not complain, but now want the dismissal cost them nothing.

Because I'm up to the hilt that the SGAE and a lot of soplagaitas as RamoncĂ­n and Bardem, who call themselves progressive but they have their luxury homes in Miami and his little yacht in the harbor, I charge me a fee for each CD, hard disk, mobile, MP3, printer or lame for each book borrowed from a public library, and the government lets them because if say something against them talk bad about you come and make you lose the election.

So nobody tells them thieves, which is what they are. Also make a crappy movie with no plot, and only sell tickets for Hugo Silva comes out naked. And for more eggs, one of the authors of such clunkers is the Minister of Culture. The thing has balls.

criminal turns out that I, by using the internet, to put an emulator to use to say what I please and seek more information than I get chewed on the news of the three, that half the TV news is sport and half the time, with a few ads in between, the head of the chain, camouflaged as news. I'm a criminal for trying to think for myself. Because I complain about being robbed and we toreen, and even let us up.

As we scare us, to try to sell vaccines and masks, saying it is a global pandemic of swine flu, influenza A. .. As before them said they came avian influenza. And how curious that both times, who announced to the world that would be millions of deaths, is the owner of the manufacture of vaccines and secretary of the George Bush. Millions of doses of a drug called Tamiflu, which is known has killed more people than it saved. But everyone is silent, and if you force me, I make the hype. Demonstrating

that there are idiots everywhere, now the PP has asked that parents have to authorize someone with less than 18 years before they can become members of tuenti or facebook. This does not mean that a girl of 16 could have an abortion without asking permission from parents and a kid of 17 murder someone without going to jail. But can not upload your photos in front of the mirror balls made. That already happened is for me to see the guy you like ... and you do not like, your friends wankers, and all pigs Internet pedophiles. Because this is the country where everyone does things without thinking, you are 16 years and bring a heater, or you're 50 and minister. Tired

, that what we experienced in Spain can no longer call immigration. INVASION is a BITCH, where if you look down the street to another English, almost surprised, because there is more than blacks, Moors, sudacas and Romanians. And we give grants and subsidies, while their children are organized in bands take over the parks, ask for money for playing in a basketball court, that is all, and while walking, they look brown. Now we will give a touch screen computer, and your son, you had to stick to a private school that is not coupled with those people and to learn something, the computer does see it.

But it is best to discuss whether I speak Catalan, Galician or you, that I am Basque and you insular. It is far better to recognize we are a nation of donkeys, of the last countries in education, with a dropout rate that is scary, and where are we going to know that people do not just write, much less score. Because if I say "I like to think, I know things like," look at me weird because here is best seen as a complete illiterate. And up happy and not think and will vote what I say and sell what you want ..

All this without the TV say absolutely nothing, no one does anything. Of course, football and the bulls are no missing, and marujeo program, where if you hit better. A program of street and all those who imitate him, where you see people doing drugs and leaving the party, given that hearing and the hearing is advertising, and sell. And always the same, all for money.

We're used to seeing death and cold-blooded murders on television. Since almost nobody shocked. And yet I have to put that insinuate that the morale of journalists is higher, which is a very respectable profession, while the TV every day selling their principles for a point of hearing.

So I write this. I'm sorry I greatly extended. If you do not, then delete it. I do not resend it or not. I just know that somebody has to say and I say because I have touched c. "

/ signed

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dry Rub Crock Pot Brisket Cook Time

Rant ...

Well, here I am again ready to hit the cracked father and stay as calm ^ _ ^

Topics moral touch me - I start to be like the "home that rages" (or man shouting, radio personality coming out to a balcony overlooking the Gran Via in Barcelona with a megaphone and is dedicated to give birth to something, whatever) - for many the truth.

From Disaster in Haiti will not comment on anything, officially nobody's fault (after you go to know if it was the result of oil exploration touching the ocean floor) except the treatment received by the television.
When I was little, I remember that on the news they said things like "the images that will see below may offend the sensibilities of viewers, and my parents made me close my eyes and covered them directly to me my mother now, not only do I find pictures of people with the guts open as long as macaroni and tomato (mmmh tasty eh? bunch of children of p. ..) but the worst part is that my nephew is 5 years there, watching him with eyes wide open.
And then gives them to ban violent movies or video games, go fabric.
), tell him to see how they choose those wise ... because I'm more afraid that McGyver in a hardware store. To me that will elect through cronyism, money, mafia, etc ... but you know, so English politics, almost prefer the Italian, as everyone knows is Berlusconi and hides and will not face ... their fault that you keep voting.

What touched me more than morality, which is apparently a bullshit, but I played the very, is the pathetic level of culture that is seen in this country through the comments from people (I dare you to you for paseeis comments and mark them, to see how aguantais, god ... I want to migrate !!!). In one of his
news talk about the baby boom after the Madrid 2-6 Barca and Chelsea Iniestazo (in fact, was the same 9 months after the club won its first European Cup) and the comments ... are to give two to more than one wafer.

ago The government will delay retirement until 67 (press release

Newspaper), I feel great because we (do I have to put tags of irony or note?), Now turns out that all professions can hold up the 67 but instead we have a bank manager (I think it was the BBVA) that after a superb management took early retirement at 55, because anything that you will look and work twelve years, no? Oh no! That guy is rotten pasta, these should not work while but have fewer years to enjoy the staph ... sorry, what is gained.
ZP, because you do not work all of you a bit more? I'm tired of seeing the congress of deputies half empty. And get off the damn salary, we are in crisis, no? No, for them there is no crisis.
Anyway, what really has me mad is the subject of comments. As the "English" are that stupid (at least for Europe) is difficult to leave the European market with that label and image. Yuck

fucking country ...