The written below is a letter signed by professors of law:
In Defense of Statute of Catalonia, the undersigned, professors from the Faculties of Law of Catalan universities, we express our deepest concern over the situation in which there is the Statute of Catalonia of 2006 before the Constitutional Court, and in this regard we note the following:
1. Firstly, our conviction that the statute passed by the Parliament of Catalonia and the Parliament and subsequently ratified in a referendum by the people of Catalunya is in full conformity with the Constitution. All bodies involved in the statutory process operated from the will and conviction to act within the framework of the Constitution, understood in an inclusive sense, which had accommodated the aspirations of self rule, expressing the negotiated and agreed by Parliament de Catalunya and the Parliament and subsequently ratified by the citizens of Catalonia. The Constitution is never a closed standard, with a content that has been frozen in a given time. The Constitution is always open to interpretation, and in this lies its ability to adapt to new times and new circumstances. The new Statute of Catalonia of 2006 amounted to understand and regulate certain self-government issues in a different way from what I had done the statute until the time of 1979, approved nearly 30 years ago, in circumstances very different from today. But standing in the framework of the Constitution and respecting fully.
have solid legal arguments well-founded to support the constitutionality of the statute of 2006, which have been expressed over recent years at events and in academic journals during the pendency of appeals before the Constitutional Court. This is not the place to repeat, butwish to express our total conviction, to name only a few examples significant, that the treatment makes the Catalan language, the use of the term national competence regime, finance or relations with the state are fully consistent with the Constitution.
That's right: a condition that it not be interpreted restrictively and exclusive. claim, as it can not be otherwise, to be made well in mind this basic principle of constitutional justice, which has repeatedly been claimed also by the English Constitutional Court, and not only respected, but in this case is extreme deference to the law, since it is a standard approved by the democratic legislature, and also by popular referendum.3. The statute, in the constitutional system of 1978, expresses a political and with it a certain interpretation of the Constitution. That was in 1979, and so was again in 2006. It becomes very difficult to understand how to impose a particular judicial interpretation, also adopted meager majorities in open to debate and subject of deep controversy, not only politically but also legally, on the interpretation that has made it the democratic legislature , for two reasons, the Catalan Parliament and courts, and has been ratified by the people. We would
our concern that you have just imposed a restrictive view of the 1978 Constitution, adopted precisely will inclusive and open, and consequently are essential elements of the statute outlawed, what would happen in reality is that the political pact has already been reached by the self-government of Catalonia, and assented large majority of the Parliament of Catalonia, the Parliament and the people of Catalonia, would be outside the Constitution. The risks posed by this situation can not escape anyone.