Monday, November 30, 2009

Dubai Whitening Cream

Will they lowering the prices of free housing?

Although certainly a tough response of general application may be too bold in a product, housing, whose market depends to a significant extent on the location, I think there are sufficient grounds to say that housing will continue falling in price.

The graph
can see the developments over the past 15 years in home prices
new free.
From an average price in the vicinity of 700 euros per m2 in 1995 ran to about 2,100 euros in late 2007, representing an increase of 300%, much higher than in construction costs (excluding the price soil) than for the same period was less than 40%.

Chart next door have shortened the time for it to see how the current price is equal to the force in early 2006.

On the other hand, speaks of more than a million in stock to housing developers, banks and individuals remain unsold. In particular, it is assumed that financial institutions which, as I told you in a previous post, I begin to place properties with significant reductions, may have more than 100,000 homes in their hands.

This results in the homes that start (riggers schools visas) are below the minimum as you can see in the accompanying graph.

However, the data of recent months suggest a moderate revival of free housing sales in recent months (see chart next door), which could imply that the market is moving .

In my opinion, until the stock of empty homes is not difficult to put prices will start to rise. What is probably happening in recent months is that homeowners who can not take them longer retained, are introducing a discount. Moreover, credit constraints are still valid, as we remember the Bank of Spain from time to time. So in my opinion, free housing prices will continue falling in general and with more intensity in the areas where more has been the chaos of the past decade.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Write A Thank You Letter To A Hairstylist

red week by Javier Busto

The Red Son gives us a selection of red week rhymed, which is worth reading.

(Recommendations: read the following compilation weekly voice of Gloria Fuertes. Only then can enjoy destitute of such rhymes as the following):

UI has been flagged for

initiative approved to enhance public health management

From Kabila claimed that the South also

there (if Evo wins again
we will very happy!)

Pedro pulls back the curtain and shows us the bones of
a field
ruined by some very bad policies

Flies in the Soup
not understand why people stop to it
And is that one sometimes wonders if it
democracy is dead

Saramago has written a letter to

Haidar (Hopefully yours may soon embrace the

have written and Ines Sira

macho violence that left this year
dead over fifty women

painted in my town
that of "Yankee go home" now have to

adapt to the English army ...

And just with the video
the act of Refoundation ,
(Mogollon's costing me
rimarlo not with "truck"!)

And attentive to " to blog, blogging! " selection that will bring us next week.

What Shoes To Wear With Black Chiffon Dress

Ethics Ethical Banking banking =

Yesterday I was fortunate to attend a presentation of the project Fiare ethical banking which also launched recruitment campaign partners to expand its capital. I learned and that is a reality Fiare bank worth about 30 million euros and a social reality in which they directly or indirectly, more than 1,000 social organizations. Started in Euskadi six years ago, now has presence Fiare Navarra, Catalonia, Madrid, Valencia, Andalusia ... and has embryos in Galicia, La Rioja, Baleares, Canarias, ...

In a time when banking life is at stake to encourage greed and withholding information from its customers, ethical banking is an alternative from the public to put solidarity in center social and economic relations and to promote transparency.

From here we want to encourage you to participate personally or through social organizations you belong to this project for the future. In other countries, similar organizations such as Banca Popolare Etica, have an important development and offer a real alternative to traditional banking. Here there is still travel but, from what I saw yesterday, those who are leading Fiare have clear ideas and ambitious goals for the coming years are sure to satisfy. Let them just need a hand, by participating in its capital or deposit our savings in that institution.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Death Anniversary Invitation Example

La Dignidad de Catalunya

Following an article in ars technica (
link) I decided to post my opinion on the matter. Obviously piracy, both film and series, games and music. I do as a personal protest by several things, including the price - others may be poor quality music CDs, 12 songs that are worth 4, the fact that I have to wait or that in my country (€ Panya h!) chains do not put in VOS series (aka Original Version Subtitulada).

Luckily, since I do not make money and I do not least because I am a collector (among other gems I have is the MS-DOS 6.23, 3D Studio Max 4, Maya 3, and long series of Bola de Drac - dragonball - in Catalan or Knights of the Zodiac with the flower of telecinco xD).
Besides, I can claim (and defend) the fact that language study, my English has improved a bit silly because of this and my Japanese is just beginning But pay 50 € for a game I polish in 16h I think abusibo, or pay 30 € for a music CD (Only music or videos or anything) that are worth 1 / 3 of the songs, because as no. No solution to piracy, which is made to the idea, all I can do is change the system and integrated into Internet. Say
emit the next chapter of House (say a series known) next Monday as long as you just hung on a P2P server (either mule, torrent or whatever) and - no - $ 1 or $ 1.5 with English subtitles ... for I would think.

Or pay 7-8 € for film ... are crazy? I remember long ago was worth 650 pesetas, the change is less than 5 €, and those 2-3 € if, back down. Then there are

jetas and vague, those of "that I pay if I can be free!" Well, for the same reason that I come into your house and pick up the TV ... that is illegal!

defend piracy, yes, but with meaning. Examples
put a phrase from Neil Gaiman -

link to the conference on the issue.
"How have you found your favorite show, your favorite artist or writer, soon after you leave something or someone for piracy?"
More than half of the room raised his hand.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

You And Us Online Digital

I was wrong about

a couple of months ago, at the end of an entry on taxes, expressed my doubts about the evil of the fund. I did not know then that the great fortunes, probably frightened by the possibility of moving the tax advantages of these instruments were withdrawing funds from them. And what I did not know is that there seem to be ways to can withdraw investments without going through the Treasury . I'm not entirely clear how this affects the returns, but apparently seen, I assume that there are ways to avoid paying a tax euro. So definitely I agree with those calling for the revision of the taxation of investment companies and encourage the inspectors to track funds that are now abandoning these instruments.

Sasusaku Recommendations

SICAVs Against Gender Violence

who have to put a day to denounce violence against women should make us think. In an advanced society that we believe are still produced dozens of gruesome murders of women by their partners or former partners and many other attacks which fortunately did not culminate in the death of the victims but leave them with physical or psychological consequences for the entire life. What it fails to make this happen? I guess we should insist on education in respect for every person, we must encourage battered women to report their situation, we must improve the law and address gaps that are being detected in their application and stuff, but not know why I have the feeling that all this is not sufficient. Takes more than just not identify and that has to do with the kind of society we have created. Because I can understand that years ago, in a patriarchal society, women were regarded as objects (read this little tale of Angels Martínez ) but are we supposed progress on this issue and is now commonly accepted that society is more egalitarian. So what is wrong with us?

one hand, I think it's possible that we have not made sufficient progress in the eradication of violence in general. Who is capable of acting violently in a football field in a dispute between neighbors or the wheel of a car has enough ballots to act violently with a weaker person and in an area such as home, isolated from social control.

On the other hand, I think is still too widespread among young people especially among males, contemptuous consideration of the other sex.

But, well, I leave here because I have no ideas at all clear ...

Incidentally, I have drawn attention to the statements of the new secretary general of the PCE, José Luis Centella, considering prostitution as the worst form of gender violence . Although there who do not share the talk of prostitution in this day , does not seem far-fetched this link. Not for nothing most people believe that we understand that prostitution still exists after semi-slave model that helps explain anything sexual equal. One model, by the way, I do not know if it is easy to remove by permissive models.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How To Cook A Boston B*** On A Green Egg

My house, which would

You know that I delivered the big brother Google. And now I have two motives: to see my house in Google Street View (fund is tiny) and I have multiplied by eight space to hang things, so I can continue uploading photos Picasa the best quality.

And I tell you that Google is testing a thing called Google Image Swirl and seems fun. The application related images by theme. For example, I have and I've got Bilbao what you see here . If you click on each group of images is displayed.

Ah, all this and more I know thanks to Google Dirson , a very interesting blog for further news from Google.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Where Can I Play Megatouchboxxi Online

Spain disgusting. This is not new, is a natural process when you see that you take an idiot politicians, judges scratch the balls and if you steal You better steal millions of euros because this will ensure that you do not do anything (poor you four dollars to steal to eat half my life waiting for you ... in jail).

But better explain why such insults puke.
1 .- sr. Zapatero, prime minister, is proving he has no spirit or intelligence to force the adoption of budgets that shit against Spain ostracized scientist, thanks to the PNV and CC (Basque and Canary ... I flip) to give your I needed support and other politicians (whether by intelligence or not look bad to the people) did not give. From here my thanks to mr. Zapatero and his ministers become more and more in North Africa rather than southern Europe. 2 .- The case Millet. Is to piss and take no drop. It turns out that if you steal an incredible pasta, return approximately 30-40% of the stolen and you write a letter to the judge saying that you regret (but hold the rest of the pasta) the judge will withdraw the passport and leaves you free with charges but neither has to pay bail or go to jail or anything.
the newspaper said in its editorial today
3 .- The thymus to the Treasury. During the 80 that had a lot of powerful people who defrauded the Treasury, the case in question only remember Mr. Josep Lluís Nuñez as the president of FC Barcelona.
The issue is that the defense requested a mistrial why "the offense has prescribed." But see, souls of pitcher, vultures, beasts, bastards ... if they are stolen or defrauded the state crime does not prescribe (I hove brings what the law says, I use logic, that today is conspicuous by its absence) until they pay back the money and more taking into account that the state needs money.

4 .- The High Court takes about two years without ruling on the Statute of Catalonia and has painted lengthen it beyond words. How are we, citizens, to trust the judicial system is slow, abuses the poor and benefits the rich? But what kind of nonsense is this? Conclusion

, when I can emigrate to this country (in fact I'm looking for work outside Spain because every day gives me more real and genuine disgust).
begin to sad to see today's society more concerned with issues like abortion (which I spoke and long ) and instead Olympic sweat the really important issues.

Well, there is always the option that I mentioned above, report of a crime of "failure to honor" that would be great because then I could say publicly "how I am going to miss if you have no honor? Is you that ye break faith with the honor of all these judgments, we're the idiots!

I would have to receive Zapatazos, as the journalist who threw the shoe at Bush, paraphrasing V for Vendetta "The Only Thing We Have to Fear is fear itself "